The LIAA-administered Norwegian financial instrument programme “Business development, innovations and small and medium-sized enterprises”, for the period 2014–2021, is being planned. The procedure for implementing the programme will be determined by the relevant regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers, the draft of which was considered at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on 8 January 2021.
The goal of the programme is to promote the creation of higher value-added products and services in 3 areas:
- “green” innovations;
- technologies that support the standard of living;
- information and communications technology (ICT).
Applications for financing may be submitted by the merchants registered in the Republic of Latvia, who meet the definition of a tiny (micro), small or medium-sized enterprise and who do not have the status of a firm in difficulty.
The first two planned activities within the framework of this program:
1. Implementing green innovations and ICT in manufacturing
Support per project: 200,000 – 600,000 EUR.
Eligible actions:
- purchase of new equipment, software, licenses and patents in the field of green innovations, which ensures
the introduction of a new product, incl. new technologies associated with a new product, into manufacture
and reduces the impact on the environment; - purchase of new equipment, software, licenses and patents in the field of ICT, related to the application of
ICT products in the manufacturing process and which ensures the introduction of a new product; - information and communications measures provided for in the project application and necessary for
ensuring the mandatory information and communications measures of an open tender project; - measures related to the introduction of a new product and technology into manufacture;
- financing of knowledge transfer activities with a project partner necessary for the introduction of a new
product and technology into manufacture; - receiving an advance guarantee from an EU-registered credit institution.
Maximum support intensity: for tiny (micro), small merchants – 55%, for medium-sized merchants – 45% of the
eligible costs.
Acceptance of projects is scheduled to begin in late January-early February 2021.
2. Development of green innovations and ICT products
Support per project: 10,000 – 130,000 EUR.
Eligible actions:
- experimental development, incl. prototyping to create new, modified or improved products or technologies, or activities aimed at conceptually defining, planning and documenting new products or technologies;
- business trips directly related to the development of a new product or technology;
- purchase of materials and similar products necessary for the development of a new product or technology;
- testing and certification of a new product or technology;
- securing intellectual property for a new product or technology;
- information and communications measures provided for in the project application and necessary for ensuring the mandatory information and communications measures of the project;
- financing of knowledge transfer activities with a project partner necessary for the development of a new product or technology.
Maximum support intensity:
- If the support is provided in accordance with the de minimis support conditions of EC Regulation 1407/2013
– 70% for all cost items; - In other cases:
- for experimental development – for tiny (micro), small merchants – 45%, for medium-sized merchants – 35% of the eligible costs;
- for testing and certification of a new product or technology, for securing intellectual property – 50%.
Acceptance of projects is scheduled to begin in April 2021.
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