The program area
Latvija: Kurzeme, Zemgale, Latgale;
Lietuva: Klaipedas, Telsu, Sauli,
Panevezyas, Utenas un Kaunas counties.
The program sets out the following priority objectives:
- Environmental preservation and conservation and efficient use of resources", whose mission is to improve and develop the cultural and natural heritage sites, services and products to increase the number of visitors to the program area, to improve the management of shared natural resources, as well as to restore the lands to the environmental problems in the program area.
- A stable and quality employment promotion and labor mobility support", whose mission is to create employment opportunities by encouraging entrepreneurship and increasing employment opportunities, improving labor mobility and skills. In order to improve the region's local and regional mobility program will support the development of road infrastructure.
- Promoting social inclusion and the fight against poverty and all forms of discrimination" is designed to improve the social infrastructure and services to promote social inclusion, as well as to improve the living conditions of the less developed communities and territories.
- Public institutions and persons involved in institutional capacity and improving the efficiency of public administration." Theme-based target selection will enhance the efficiency of public services, strengthening the competence and cooperation between the institutions.
Overall funding of the program is EUR 55 000 000, 00
Beneficiaries: National, regional and local authorities to set up institutions; planning regions and the bodies set up; Non-governmental organizations; public equivalent bodies.
The amount of aid: the ERDF co-financing rate Latvian project partners are 85% of the eligible costs of the project itself but the total eligible cost "ceiling" is not currently defined.