Cross-border Cooperation Programme for 2014 – 2020
Currently, work is ongoing for regulatory basis development to cross-border cooperation program. Cross-border Cooperation Programme is financed by the European Regional Development Fund. Cross-border cooperation programs differ from available European Structural Funds inside a State in that:
- Projects are required to be implemented in collaboration with partners. For example, the Estonian - Latvian project must have two partners - one from Estonia, the other one from Latvian side. The partnership is built according to the participating states of the cross-border program;
- Cross-border cooperation projects allow the implementation of projects on a larger scale and to expand its activities at the international level;
- For cross-border cooperation projects the official language is English.
Given the above and previous operational experience to be able to participate and to implement a high-quality cross-border cooperation project, they need to be prepared early and thoroughly. Provisionally, it is estimated that the first project tenders will be launched in the 1st quarter of 2015.
So to inform you that according to the National and Regional Development Ministry data for 2014 - 2020 programming period the following cross-border cooperation programs are intended:
Estonian - Latvian (EE - LV) cross-border cooperation program.