News archive

„Processing and preliminary treatment of agricultural products in home conditions”


Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 50%

Programme open until 26.09.2013.

A USA company, a business partner of SIA INVEX FONDI, examines the opportunities to buy high-yield and sustainable, operating commercial projects in the manufacturing sphere in Baltic countries with an initial value of at least EUR 2`000`000. The possible acquisition anticipates redemption of 100 % shares.

For more detailed information on this offer, please call +371 26557422

Atbalstāmās aktivitātes:

  • peldvietu labiekārtošana;
  • aktīvo atpūtas taku un tiltiņu izveide vai labiekārtošana;
  • dabas atpūtas parku izveide vai labiekārtošana;
  • rotaļlaukumu, atrakciju, zirgu izjāžu laukumu (izņemot būves), veloceliņu izveide vai labiekārtošana;
  • ūdenstūrisma apmetņu vietu (teltsvietas, ugunskura vietas, tualetes) izveide vai labiekārtošana;
  • infrastruktūras pielāgošana personām ar funkcionāliem traucējumiem;
  • pamatlīdzekļu iegāde tūrisma pakalpojumu sniegšanai un radošo darbnīcu izveidei;
  • sporta laukumu un sporta un atpūtas būvju celtniecība, kas ietilpst esošā vai plānojamā tūrisma pakalpojumā;
  • tūrisma pakalpojuma sniegšanai nepieciešamā tūrismā izmantojamā aprīkojuma uzglabāšanas nojumes vai slēgtu telpu izveide vai paplašināšana, kā arī teritorijas labiekārtošana, ievērojot maksimālās attiecināmās izmaksas atbalsta aprēķināšanā galvenajiem būvju tipiem (Noteikumu Nr.7731 3.pielikums).

Atbalsta pretendents: Projekta iesniedzējs ir tūrisma pakalpojumu sniedzējs, kurš vismaz vienu gadu pirms projekta iesniegšanas ir iekļauts tūrisma bukletā vai tīmekļa vietnē.

Atbalsta apjoms: 40-50% no attiecināmajām izmaksām

Max attiecināmās izmaksas: EUR 375 000

Projektus var īstenot visā Latvijas teritorijā izņemot republikas pilsētas kurās ir vairāk par 5000 iedzīvotājiem un novados, kas robežojas ar Rīgas pilsētas teritoriju.

Projektus var iesniegt līdz 31.01.2014

INVEX FONDI offers company registration in Canada.

Canadian jurisdiction advantages:

  • Canada is a country with an internationally recognized reputation with traditional tax legislation.
  • Foreign founders, registering a company in the form of partnerships L.P. (Limited Partnership), and which does not trade in the territory of Canada, is not subject to Canadian tax.
  • Information about the beneficial owner of the company is not publicly available.
  • Partnerships have no requirement to submit an annual report (Annual Return) to the company register.
  • Partnership has no requirement to submit a financial report (Financial Statement) to the company register, but there is no exemption from legislative requirements to compile and store these financial reports.
  • If the Partnership's founders are not Canadian residents, and the partnership has not made profits in Canada, the partnership tax rate is 0%.

Registration rules:

  • After acceptation of name (1-2 days) registration will take 12-15 working days; to receive full document package will take 6 – 7 weeks.
  • Choosing the finished (ready-made) companies - 1 -2 working days from receipt of full payment for registration.
  • For registering or buying the finished (ready-made) Canadian company the beneficial owner will need:

a) Complete and sign information form in English -''Due Diligence form for a new Canada L.P. company'';

b) Submit a notarized or in operating bank, or at registrar agent representation certified copy of passport.


Registration costs amount depends on:

  • mandatory payments for registering company;
  • from Customers wishes to use nominal services;
  • country and bank in which is it expected to open an account;
  • consulting services for opening a bank account.

The final amount of costs will be fixed during negotiation.

It should be noted:

  • Not to deal with other companies registered in Canada (ie. See. Partnerships) that can be treated as commercial activities in the territory of Canada, together with a full payment of taxes.
  • If partnerships beneficial owner decides to extend to the next year - it is eliminated. Otherwise, the Canadian government is of the opinion that the partnership avoid reporting as a result of its directors and the owner may be persecuted not only administrative but also criminal procedures. Liquidation costs are stipulated in the registration of partnerships.

Crediting of international market operations

INVEX FONDI ® offers bank financing for transactions with various product groups, which have a wide target market and forecast of liquidity.

Bank finances

  1. purchase of goods for export;
  2. goods in stock;
  3. goods during transportation;
  4. deferred payment for the goods supplied.

Conditions for financing each specific project are individual. Allocation of funding depends on the specifics of the project. We offer solutions to reduce currency risks.

Basic conditions for financing of trade:

  • The recommended amount of credit: EUR 500 000;
  • Loan period 3 - 12 months;
  • Interest rate: 7% * per annum;
  • Funding amount: 50 - 90% * of the commercial value.

*depending on the risk assessment

Priority products and product groups:

  • metals;
  • cotton;
  • sugar;
  • petro chemistry;
  • wheat and other grains;
  • mineral fertilizers;
  • coal;
  • deep-frozen foods (meat, fish, poultry).
  1. Financing the goods intended for export

    Client enters into a contract for acquisition of goods. If the contract provides for an advanced payment to the supplier, then the granting bank provides prepayment after receiving of Bank guarantee for repayment of prepayment after contract our reception for letter of credit from coherent Bank.

  2. Financing of goods in warehouse

    Client makes a purchase of goods and by an agreement with the Bank places them in a warehouse. Bank provides funding after receiving of conformation that the purchased goods are placed in the warehouse. Warehouse provides storage of goods for client, thus ensuring interests of Bank.

  3. Financing of goods during transportation

    Client makes acquisition of goods and ensures their dispatch. Bank ensures funding for client after receiving transport order, indicating shipment of goods (bills of lading, consignment notes).
    Granted funds must be repaid to the Bank after delivery of goods or before receiving the goods from warehouse if the goods are held in a customs warehouse with whom there was a previous agreement about it.

  4. Financing of deferred payment

    Client makes delivery of goods in agreement of contract that stipulates a deferred payment. Bank ensures funds for Client for the delivered goods for the time of deferred payment.
    Buyer's payment obligations are confirmed by guarantee or letter of credit from a coherent bank, as well as the risk of default by the purchaser could be insured by specialized insurer.
    Financing of deferred payment depends on each individual case and could be executed as factoring or line of credit.

The main requirements for the client (the borrower) and the parameters of the transaction to be financed:

  • Clients experience in trading of goods at least 1 year;
  • The client is financially stable;
  • Clients participation of financing the goods – 10 – 50%;
  • The goods are liquid and are valid for at least 12 months;
  • Organized control of the purchased goods from forwarders, monitors and warehouses.

Download the application form

Baltic Sea Region Interreg Programme

Project submission:

2 December 2014 – 2 February 2015 (Concept Note stage)

Programme co-financing:

85% for Latvian partners, in general 50-85%, depending on country

Budget available:

  1. MEUR in total; by priorities:
  • Priority 1 – 84.4 MEUR
  • Priority 2 – 84.4 MEUR
  • Priority 3 – 66.0 MEUR

Projects duration:

18 – 36 months


Public authorities from local, regional and national levels, research and training institutions, sectoral agencies and associations, NGOs and enterprises (Co-financing rates for private partners are the same as for public partners)


At least partners from countries mentioned: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, parts of Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, Norway.

Partners from Belarus and Russia will be able to participate after Financing Agreements between the Governments of each country and the European Commission is signed


Priority 1 “Capacity for innovation” (Research and innovation infrastructures, Smart specialisation, Non-technological innovation).

Priority 2 “Efficient Management of natural resources” (Clear waters, Renewable energy, Energy Efficiency, Resource-efficient blue growth),

Priority 3 “Sustainable transport” (Interoperability of transport modes, Accessibility of remote areas and areas affected by demographic change, Maritime safety, Environmentally friendly shipping, Environmentally friendly urban mobility)

Eligible cost categories:

  • Staff costs,
  • Office and administrative expenditure,
  • Travel and accommodation costs,
  • External expertise and service costs,
  • Equipment expenditure,
  • Infrastructure and works,
  • Expenditure for specific project activities (e.g. expenditure for large research activities at sea etc.).

For more information feel free to contact our specialists: +37167212270

Programme (total budget)

Programme territory and maximum support


Next call for projects (estimated)


(51,5 mEUR)

Latvia (85%): Kurzeme, Zemgale, Latgale

Lithuania (85%): Klaipėda, Telšiai, Šiauliai, Panevėžys, Utena and Kaunas as adjoining region

Sustainable and clean Environment

  • conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage;
  • protecting and restoring biodiversity and soil and promoting ecosystem services, incl. through Natura 2000, and green infrastructure.
  • taking action to improve the urban environment, to revitalise cities, regenerate and decontaminate brownfield sites (including conversion areas), reduce air pollution and promote noise-reduction measures)

Support to labour mobility and employment

  • supporting the development of business incubators and investment support for selfemployment, micro-enterprises and business creation.
  • (ETC) promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility by integrating cross-border labour markets, including cross-border mobility, joint local employment initiatives, information and advisory services and joint training.

Social inclusion as a precondition of territorial development

  • Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty

Improved quality of living through efficient public services and administration

2nd half of 2015


(35 mEUR)

Estonia (85%): Hiiu, Jõgeva, Lääne, Põlva, Pärnu, Saare, Tartu, Valga, Viljandi and Võru counties

Latvia (85%): Kurzeme, Pierīga, Rīga and Vidzeme regions in Latvia

Active and attractive business environment (appr. 11 MEUR):

  • Increased international entrepreneurial activity in the region.
  • More jointly developed products and services in the Programme area.

Clean and valued living environment (appr. 8,5 MEUR).:

  • More diversified and sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage.
  • Increased awareness and more efficient management of common natural resources.

Better network of harbours (appr. 7 MEUR)

  • Improved network of small harbours with good services.

Integrated labour market (appr. 8,5 MEUR)

  • Improved conditions for accessing jobs across the border.

2nd half of 2015


(no information)

Latvia (90%): Vidzeme, Latgale, Pieriga, Zemgale

Russia (90%): Pskov region, Leningrad region.

Business and SME development

  • Promotion of and support to entrepreneurship,
  • Development and promotion of new products and services based on local resources”

Environmental protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation

  • Efficient management of natural resources
  • Joint actions for environmental protection
  • Support to sustainable waste and waste water management systems

Improvement of border crossing efficiency and security

1st half of 2016


Latvia (90%): Latgale Region

Lithuania (90%): Utena, Vilnius and Alytus Counties, Kaunas and Panevezys Counties

Belarus (90%): Grodno and Vitebsk Oblasts, Minsk and Mogilev Oblasts, Minsk City

Business and SME development / Promotion of social inclusion and fight against poverty

Support to local & regional good governance

Environmental protection, climate change adaptation and disasters prevention/management

Promotion of local culture and preservation of historical heritage

Not earlier than 2016

Interreg Cental Baltic

(122,5 mEUR)

ESTONIA (85%): Kirde-Eesti, Kesk-Eesti, Põhja-Eesti, Lääne-Eesti, Lõuna-Eesti

FINLAND (75%): Satakunta, Varsinais-Suomi, Helsinki-Uusimaa, Kymenlaakso, Pirkanmaa, Kanta-Häme , Päijät-Häme, Etelä- Karjala, Åland

LATVIA (85%): Kurzeme, Riga, Pieriga, Vidzeme, Zemgale

SWEDEN (75%): Gävleborg, Uppsala, Stockholm, Södermanland, Östergötland, Gotland, Västmanland, Örebro

Competitive economy

  • New Central Baltic knowledge intensive companies
  • More entrepreneurial youth
  • More exports by the Central Baltic companies to new markets

Sustainable use of common resources

  • Natural and cultural resources developed into sustainable tourist attractions
  • Sustainably planned and managed marine and coastal areas
  • Better urban planning in the Central Baltic region
  • Reduced nutrients, hazardous substances and toxins inflow into the Baltic Sea

Well-connected region

  • Improved transport flows of people and goods
  • Improved services of existing small ports to improve local and regional mobility and contribute to tourism development

Skilled and socially inclusive region

  • More people benefitting from stronger Central Baltic communities
  • More aligned vocational education and training (VET) programmes in the Central Baltic region

18th December, 2014- 9th February, 2015

Interreg Baltic Sea Region

(263,8 mEUR)

Denmark (75%)

Estonia (85%)

Finland (75%)

Germany (75%): (the States (Länder) of Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schleswig-Holstein and Niedersachsen (only NUTS II area Lüneburg region))

Latvia (85%)

Lithuania (85%)

Poland (85%)

Sweden (75%)

Norway (50%)

Belarus and Russia after Financing Agreements with EU are signed

Capacity for innovation

  • Research and innovation infrastructures
  • Smart specialisation
  • Non-technological innovation.

Efficient Management of natural resources

  • Clear waters, Renewable energy, Energy Efficiency, Resource-efficient blue growth

Sustainable transport

  • Interoperability of transport modes
  • Accessibility of remote areas and areas affected by demographic change
  • Maritime safety
  • Environmentally friendly shipping
  • Environmentally friendly urban mobility

2nd December 2014 – 2nd February 2015 (Concept Note stage)

Interreg Europe

(359 mEUR)

28 EU member states + Norway and Switzerland (75%-85%)

Latvia – 85%

Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Low Carbon Economy

Environment and Resource Efficiency

Spring 2015


Researches and joint solutions for cities


Support to increasing capacity of civil servants and state administration

Horizon 2020


All EU countries

(till 100%)

Excellent science

  • European Research Council (ERC) - Frontier research by the best individual teams
  • Future and Emerging Technologies - Collaborative research to open new fields of innovation
  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) - Opportunities for training and career development
  • Research infrastructures (including e-infrastructure) - Ensuring access to world-class facilities

Industrial leadership

  • Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (LEITs) - (ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, biotechnology, manufacturing, space)
  • Access to risk finance - Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research and innovation
  • Innovation in SMEs - Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SMEs

Societal challenges

  • Health, demographic change and wellbeing
  • Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & the Bioeconomy
  • Secure, clean and efficient energy
  • Smart, green and integrated transport
  • Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials
  • Inclusive and reflective societies
  • Secure societies


(3,456.7 mEUR)

All EU countries


Environment (2,592.5 mEUR):

  • environment and resource efficiency,
  • nature and biodiversity,
  • environment governance and information

Climate Action (864.2 mEUR):

  • adaptation, mitigation and governance and information

Starting from May 2015, we offer our clients to widen their possibilities in financial markets and investment projects by establishing their private investment fund.

We are specialized in developing documentation to establish investment funds in all major fields of activity in Latvia and the EU including:

  • Formation and establishment of investment funds with sub-funds; 
  • Investment fund structuring;
  • Structuring of investment policy, marketing strategy and management system;
  • Acquring of mandatory permits from state institutions;
  • Dealing with issues regarding compliance with regulations, including the preparation of comprehensive documentation package (fund action plan and fund management company) in accordance with the requirements of the Financial and Capital Market Commission (FKTK).

Experience of INVEX FONDI related to investment funds enables to provide our clients with full range of legal and analytical services. We provide advice in investment fund and management company structuring, marketing and other major activities. Our investment management professionals assist clients in formation and structuring of various investment funds making investments in such assets like real estate, private equity, securities and other financial instruments.

Experience of INVEX FONDI in fields of tax policies, corporate consulting, and M&A provides necessary competence for project managers to develop appropriate, tailor-made solutions.

Our clients rely on our advices at each stage of fund performance – starting from structuring and receiving state institutions permits to sale of assets and fund liquidation. INVEX FONDI assists in developing all necessary documentation, according to all mentioned stages of fund establishment and its functioning.

The company provides necessary  advice in fund legal regulation and issues related to its supervision.

Valsts un Eiropas Savienības atbalsts zivsaimniecības attīstībai.

Programmas mērķis:

  • modernizēt akvakultūras uzņēmumus un uzlabot to darbību
  • attīstīt tradicionālās akvakultūras metodes
  • attīstīt jaunu un īpaši pie­prasītu ūdensdzīvnieku sugu audzēšanu
  • īstenot tādas akvakultūras me­todes, kas būtiski samazina negatīvu ietekmi uz vidi.

Attiecināmās izmaksas līdz 1’390’000 Ls.

Līdzfinansējums līdz 60% no attiecināmajām izmaksām.

Atbalstu piešķir par ražošanas iekārtu, tehnikas, aprīkojuma iegādi, kā arī ražošanas būvju jaunbūvi un rekonstrukciju.

Atbalsts netiek piešķirts par zemes darbiem un zivju mazuļu iegādi.

Projektu var iesniegt visi komersanti un zemnieku/zvejnieku saimniecības.

Programma ir atvērta no 2013.gada 17.jūnija līdz 17.jūlijam.

Programmu regulējošie MK noteikumi:

Speciālista bezmaksas konsultācijas +37167212270

Submission of projects from 20 October 2014 until 20 November 2014

The event aims to increase fishery and aquaculture products, added value, increase safety and productivity, reduce negative environmental impacts, ensure product quality, including the reduction of contamination of fish products, as well as the production of new products and the use of fish processing by-products and waste.


  1. Food and Veterinary Service recognized fish processing company;
  2. Food and Veterinary Service declared unfit for human consumption of animal products movement of a company dealing with fish by-products or waste products;
  3. Food and Veterinary Service natural or legal person in the home produces fishing products;
  4. Existing merchant, who is building a new fish processing plant or a fishery and aquaculture products inedible by-products chain companies;
  5. Start-up business, which consists of a new fish processing plant or a fishery and aquaculture products inedible by-products chain companies, which first accounting or fiscal year is not yet over.

The availability of public funding - 4,935,506 EUR

The amount of aid:

60% of eligible project costs to small (micro), small and medium-sized enterprises.

NGO "Jurkalne" announced for projects in Salacgrīvas and Ainaži rural areas

NGO "Jurkalne" announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 "Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development and fisheries" on "territorial development strategies" in:

"Spatial habitat enhancement"

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% of associations

Project acceptance by 09/06/2014.

NGO "Rural Partnership" River 8 "'announced for projects in Degoles, Džūkstes, Jaunpils, Jaunsātu, Lestenes, Tume, Viesatu area

NGO "Rural Partnership" River 8 "" announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 "Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development and fisheries" on "territorial development strategies" in:

"Cultural and sporting infrastructure of cultural and sports infrastructure for all people of the territory of partnership"

EU eligible costs: 28 457EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% of associations

Project acceptance by 09/06/2014.

NGO "From Salacas to Rūja" announced for project development in Rūjienas, Burtnieku and Mazsalacā rural areas.

NGO "The Salacas to RŪJAS" announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 "Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development and fisheries" on "territorial development strategies" in:

"Travel service diversification and adaptation for persons with disabilities; environmental investments in tourism facilities and services for fisheries"

EU eligible costs: 28 457EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% of associations

Project acceptance by 06/06/2014.

NGO "Partnership for Rural and Marine" announced for projects in Engure, Lapmezciema, Slampes, Smārdes, Zentenes area.

Association "Partnership Rural and Marine" announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 "Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development and fisheries" on "territorial development strategies" in:

"Improvement of the lives of local people, developing and improving environment-related infrastructure of areas dependent on fisheries"

EU eligible costs: 28 457EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% of associations

Acceptance of projects to 06/06/2014

NGO "Rezekne District Community Partnership" announced for projects in Rezekne and Vilani county area.

NGO ", Rezekne district community partnership" announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 "Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development and fisheries" on "territorial development strategies" in:

"Support for improvement of the territory"

EU eligible costs: 28 457EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% of associations

"Support for fisheries and tourism-related small-scale infrastructure reconstruction or construction"

EU eligible costs: 28 457EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% of associations

Acceptance of projects to 09/06/2014

NGO "Riga District Rural Development" announced for projects in Sigulda, Lucerne, Vangažu, Allažu, Incukalns, Krimuldas, Malpils and Saulkrasti rural areas.

NGO "Riga District Rural Development" announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 "Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development and fisheries" on "territorial development strategies" in:

"The fisheries and tourism related small-scale infrastructure and services"

EU eligible costs: 28 457EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% of associations

Acceptance of projects to 06/06/2014

NGO "Six shores" announced for projects in Piltene, Jūrkalne, Užavas, Vārves, Ziru, Zlēku area.

NGO "Six shores" announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 "Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development and fisheries" on "territorial development strategies" in:

"Local government road construction or reconstruction, as well as active leisure facilities"

EU eligible costs: 28 457EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% of associations

Acceptance of projects to 06/06/2014

NGO “Baldones partnerība” announces project development in Baldone and rural area of Baldone

NGO “Baldones partnerība” announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.783 “Procedures for granting State and the European Union support for rural and fishery development" in the framework “Implementation of territory development strategies”:

“Territories that important for fisheries development and restoration”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% for NGO’s

Projects accepted until 25/04/2014.

NGO “Daugavpils un Ilūkstes novadu partnerība „Kaimiņi”” announces project development in municipalities of Daugavpils and Ilūkste, as well as Subatē including rural area

NGO “Daugavpils un Ilūkstes novadu partnerība „Kaimiņi”” announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.783 “Procedures for granting State and the European Union support for rural and fishery development" in the framework “Implementation of territory development strategies”:

“The adaptation and diversification of local products that creates added value associated with tourism services”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% for NGO’s

The program is open until 25/04/2014.

NGO “Gaujas partnerība” announces project development in municipality of Ādaži

NGO “Gaujas partnerība” announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.783 “Procedures for granting State and the European Union support for rural and fishery development" in the framework “Implementation of territory development strategies”:

"Development, creation and improvement of sports, cultural, educational, recreational and other leisure activity sites, as well as improvement of access to them and information about them, including providing the necessary infrastructure, landscaping and involvement of all residential groups of people in them (although internationally), conservation, cleaning and protection of natural resources"


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% for NGO’s

Projects accepted until 17/04/2014.

NGO “Sernikon” announces project development in municipality of Carnikava

NGO “Sernikon” announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.783 “Procedures for granting State and the European Union support for rural and fishery development" in the framework “Implementation of territory development strategies”:

“Renewal and development of territories used for fishery activities”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% for NGO’s

Projects accepted until 17/04/2014.

NGO “Zied Zeme” announces project development in municipalities of Ogre, Ikšķile, Ķegums and Lielvārde

NGO “Zied Zeme” announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.783 “Procedures for granting State and the European Union support for rural and fishery development" in the framework “Implementation of territory development strategies”:

“Support of small-scale development of infrastructure and services related to fisheries and tourism”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 40% for NGO’s

Projects accepted until 07/04/2014.

NGO “Stopiņu un Salaspils partnerība” announces project development in municipalities of Salaspils and Stopiņi

NGO “Stopiņu un Salaspils partnerība” announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.783 “Procedures for granting State and the European Union support for rural and fishery development" in the framework “Implementation of territory development strategies”:

“Renewal and development of territories used for fishery activities”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% for NGO’s

Projects accepted until 10/04/2014.

Society "Cesis District Rural Partnership" announced for projects in Amata municipality, Cesu, Jaunpiebalgas, Ligatnes, Pargaujas, Priekulu, Raunas, Vecpiebalgas municipalty.

"Support for fisheries and tourism-related small-scale infrastructure and services."

EU eligible costs: 14 865 EUR

Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% of associations.

Project acceptance by 07/05/2014. Specialist free advice +37127089866

Society "Talsi partnership" announced for projects Tulsa, Sabiles, Valdemarpils municipalty.

“Support for villages with fisheries activities, recovery and development.”

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR

Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% of associations.

Project acceptance by 07/05/2014. Specialist free advice +37127089866

“Support for fisheries and tourism-related small-scale infrastructure and services.”

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR

Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% of associations.

Project acceptance by 07/05/2014. Specialist free advice +37127089866

ES līdzfinansējums mežkopības un mežizstrādes darbībām.

Programmas mērķis: Attīstīt un dažādot esošo mežkopības vai mežizstrādes uzņēmumu saimniecisko darbību.

Attiecināmās izmaksas līdz 100’000 EUR.

Līdzfinansējums līdz 50% no attiecināmajām izmaksām, atkarībā no izmaksu veida.

Atbalstu piešķir par meža koku audzēšanu, mežu un koku rindu stādīšanu, pārstādīšanu, retināšanu un saglabāšanu, jaunaudzes audzēšanu, papīrmalkas un malkas ieguvi un mežsaimniecības pakalpojumiem.

Atbalsts netiek piešķirts būvniecībai un mežizstrādes pašgājējtehnikas, kuras pašmasa pārsniedz 5 tonnas, iegādei.

Ja vismaz 51% ieņēmumu ir no lauksaimnieciskās darbības, tad projektu var iesniegt mikrouzņēmumi, mazie un vidējie saimnieciskās darbības veicēji. Ja uzņēmuma darbība nav saistīta ar lauksaimniecību, tad projektu var iesniegt tikai mikrouzņēmumi*.

*Atbilstoši EK regulā 800/2008 noteiktā MVU definīcija.

Programma ir atvērta no 2013.gada 3.jūnija līdz 3.jūlijam.

Programmu regulējošie MK noteikumi:

Grozījumi MK noteikumos:

Speciālista bezmaksas konsultācijas +37167212270

NGO "Partnership for the countryside and the sea"


Degoles parish, Džūkstes parish, Engures parish,, Jaunsātu parish, Lapmežciema parish, Lestenes parish, Slampes parish, Smārdes parish, Tumes parish, Zentenes parish.


Support programs:

1.      "Support for business creation and development"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "Support for tourism services improvement and diversification"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%


Acceptance of projects until 02.05.2016.

Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566





Gulbene, Beļavas parish, Daukstu parish, Druvienas parish, Galgauskas parish, Jaungulbenes parish, Lejasciema parish, Litenes parish, Lizuma parish, Līgo parish, Rankas parish, Stāmerienas parish, Stradu parish, Tirzas parish.


Support programs:

1.      "Micro and small business creation and the development"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      „Support for tourism services improvement and diversification”

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%


Acceptance of projects until 06.05.2016.

Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



Public-private partnership NGO „Sernikon”


Saulkrasti, Carnikavas district, Saulkrastu parish


Support programs:

1.      "Micro, small and medium enterprise creation and development, including in the tourism sector"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "The village and neighborhood needs the application of social activities and property development"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 20 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 11.05.2016.

 Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



Saldus Regional Development NGO


Saldus, Brocēni, Ezeres parish, Jaunauces parish, Jaunlutriņu parish, Kursīšu parish, Lutriņu parish, Nīgrandes parish, Novadnieku parish, Pampāļu parish, Rubas parish, Saldus parish, Šķēdes parish, Vadakstes parish, Zaņas parish, Zirņu parish, Zvārdes parish, Blīdenes parish, Cieceres parish, Gaiķu parish, Remtes parish.


Support programs:

1.      "Supporting community to require the local economy-building initiatives"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%


2.      "Support for the community to require spot potential development initiatives (only for public benefit projects)"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 11.05.2016.

 Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



NGO „Rural partnership „Lielupe””


Kalnciema parish, Elejas parish, Glūdas parish, Jaunsvirlaukas parish, Lielplatones parish, Līvbērzes parish, Platones parish, Sesavas parish,  Svētes parish, Valgundes parish, Vilces parish, Vircavas parish, Zaļenieku parish, Ozolnieku parish, Cenu parish, Salgales parish.


Support programs:

1.      "Support for non-agricultural business, including processing of agricultural products, rural tourism and crafts development "

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "Cultural Heritage Preservation and Restoration"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

3.      "Support for social activities and services to the local population"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 10 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

4.      " Improvement populated areas of public infrastructure "

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 30 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 11.05.2016.

 Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



NGO „Cēsu distric rural partnership”


Līgatne, Amatas district, Drabešu parish, Drustu parish, Dzērbenes parish, Inešu parish, Jaunpiebalgas parish, Kaives parish, Liepas parish, Līgatnes parish, Mārsnēnu parish, Nītaures parish, Priekuļu parish, Raiskuma parish, Raunas parish, Skujenes parish, Taurenes parish, Vaives parish, Vecpiebalgas parish, Veselavas parish, Zaubes parish, Zosēnu parish


Support programs:

1.      "Company (micro and small) creation and development"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "Local product sales environment creation or improvement"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 70 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

3.      "Local area and object arrangement for access to services, quality and reach"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 25 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

4.      "Public activities diversification"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 25 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 11.05.2016.

 Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



NGO „Aizkraukles distric partnership”


Aizkraukle, Jaunjelgava, Pļaviņas, Skrīveru district, Aiviekstes parish, Aizkraukles parish, Bebru parish, Daudzeses parish, Iršu parish, Klintaines parish, Kokneses parish, Kurmenes parish, Mazzalves parish, Neretas parish, Pilskalnes parish, Seces parish, Sērenes parish,  Staburaga parish, Sunākstes parish, Jaunjelgavas parish, Valles parish, Vietalvas parish, Zalves parish


Support programs:

1.      "Enterprise Creation and Development"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.       "Support for social activities of local people"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 20 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

3.      "Public infrastructure improving the accessibility of services"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 12.05.2016.

  Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



NGO „Pierīgas partnership”


Olaine, Babītes parish, Mārupes district, Olaines parish, Salas parish (Rīgas district)


Support programs:

1.      "Support for tourism and the promotion of active recreation"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "Support for processing of agricultural products, handicrafts and crafts, including own production packaging, implementation of the market and the quality of working conditions'

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

3.      "Support for business creation and development"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

4.      "Support for social activities to diversify"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

5.      "Support for the local area, including natural and cultural objects, arrangement, access to services, quality and reach"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 16.05.2016.

 Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



NGO „Preiļu district partnership”


Preiļi, Aizkalnes parish, Pelēču parish, Saunas parish, Preiļu parish, Līvāni, Rožupes parish, Jersikas parish, Turku parish, Rudzātu parish, Sutru parish, Riebiņu parish, Rušonas parish, Galēnu parish, Sīļukalna parish, Stabulnieku parish, Silajāņu parish, Vārkavas parish, Upmalas parish, Rožkalnu parish, Aglonas parish


Support programs:

1.      "Support for products and services in the territory of the PRS in various sectors of the economy"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "Support for business-enhancing private initiatives"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

3.      "Support for social activities of non-formal education services, the development of social care and protection, health preservation and rehabilitation services for development"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 20 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

4.      "Support for culture, sports, recreation and meaningful leisure time services and the development of rural life in space to preserve the attractiveness"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

5.      "Support the local initiative groups, local government and NGO initiatives in environmental quality and enhancing access "

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 16.05.2016.

Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



NGO „Vidzemes rural partnership „Brasla”


Aloja, Limbaži, Staicele, Alojas parish, Braslavas parish, Brīvzemnieku parish, Dikļu parish, Katvaru parish, Lēdurgas parish, Limbažu parish, Staiceles pagats, Stalbes parish, Straupes parish, Umurgas parish, Vidrižu parish, Vaidavas parish, Zilākalna parish


Support programs:

1.      "Development of new products and services and application of them"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "Processing of agricultural products (including home), product design and sales promotion"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

3.      "Local production of trade creation, improvement, introduction of a new type of sale"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 20 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

4.      "Environmental improvement of access to services and quality improvement"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 20 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

5.      "The local social activities Diversification and Capacity Building"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 20 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 16.05.2016.

  Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



NGO „Ziemeļkurzemes business association”


Piltene, Ventspils, Ances parish, Dundagas parish, Īves parish, Jūrkalnes parish, Kolkas parish, Lubes parish, Piltenes parish, Popes parish, Puzes parish, Tārgales parish, Ugāles parish, Usmas parish, Užavas parish, Valdgales parish, Vārves parish, Ziras parish, Zlēku parish


Support programs:

1.      "Business creation and development"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      „Comunity activities in support of local community development "

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 15 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

3.      “Public infrastructure quality living environment"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 18.05.2016.

  Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



Foundation „Madonas district fund”


Madona, Cesvaine, Lubānas, Varakļāni, Aronas parish, Barkavas parish, Bērzaunes parish, Cesvaines parish, Dzelzavas parish, Ērgļu district, Indrānu parish, Jumurdas parish, Kalsnavas parish, Lazdonas parish, Liezēres parish, Ļaudonas parish, Mārcienas parish, Mētrienas parish, Murmastienes parish, Ošupes parish, Praulienas parish, Sarkaņu parish, Sausnējas parish, Varakļānu parish, Vestienas parish


Support programs:

1.      „Non-agricultural production establishment and development "

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "Non-agricultural service establishment and development"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

3.      "Promotion of agricultural products processing and adding value to agricultural products produced in the territory"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

4.      „Support for rural tourism services, a new tourism program establishment and  development "

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 20 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%


Acceptance of projects until 18.05.2016. 

 Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



NGO „Jūrkante”


Ainaži, Salacgrīva, Ainažu parish, Salacgrīvas parish, Liepupes parish, Pāles parish, Skultes parish, Viļķenes parish


Support programs:

1.      „Business creation and development”

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "Life remediation, leisure and natural resource efficiency"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 18.05.2016. 

  Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



NGO „Liepājas district partnership”


Aizpute, Durbe, Grobiņa, Pāvilosta, Priekule, Aizputes parish, Bārtas parish, Bunkas parish, Cīravas parish, Dunalkas parish, Dunikas parish, Durbes parish, Embūtes parish, Gaviezes parish, Gramzdas parish, Grobiņas parish, Kalvenes parish, Kalētu parish, Kazdangas parish, Lažas parish, Medzes parish, Nīcas parish, Otaņķu parish, Priekules parish, Rucavas parish, Sakas parish, Tadaiķu parish, Vaiņodes parish, Vecpils parish, Vērgales parish, Virgas parish, Liepājas pilsēta (EJZF territory)


Support programs:

1.      "Support for business creation and development"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "Local product sales environment creation or improvement"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

3.      "Public activities diversification"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

4.      "Local areas, including natural and cultural property improvment"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 18.05.2016.

 Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



NGO „Balvu district partnership”


Balvi, Viļaka, Baltinavas parish, Balvu parish, Bērzkalnes parish, Bērzpils parish, Briežuciema parish, Kubulu parish, Kupravas parish, Lazdukalna parish, Lazdulejas parish, Medņevas parish, Rugāju parish, Susāju parish, Šķilbēnu parish, Tilžas parish, Vectilžas parish, Krišjāņu parish, Vecumu parish, Vīksnas parish, Žīguru parish


Support programs:

1.       "Micro and small business formation and development, including in the tourism sector"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "Support for home compounders and craftsmen economic activity"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

3.      "Local areas, including natural and cultural heritage sites, management of service availability, quality and reach"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

4.      "Public activities diversification of the local population"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 20 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

5.      “Intangible cultural assets preservation and promotion"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 10 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 18.05.2016.

 Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



NGO „Abulas rural partnership”


Smiltene, Bilskas parish, Blomes parish, Brantu parish, Launkalnes parish, Palsmanes parish, Smiltenes parish, Variņu parish


Support programs:

1.      "Business development and promotion of employment"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "Agricultural produce promotion"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 30 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

3.      "Local territory improvement in access, quality and reach"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 30 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

4.      "Heritage Preservation"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 10 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

5.      "Public activities diversification of the population '

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 10 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

6.      "Costume purchase for amateur and sports teams"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 5 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

7.      "Training organization"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 1 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 20.05.2016.

Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



NGO „Rural partnership „Ziemeļgauja”


Valka, Seda, Strenči, Brenguļu parish, Ērģemes parish, Ēveles parish, Gaujienas parish, Grundzāles parish, Jērcēnu parish, Kauguru parish, Plāņu parish, Trikātas parish,  Valkas parish, Vijciema parish, Virešu parish,  Zvārtavas parish


Support programs:

1.      "Creation and development of new product "

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "The creation and development of new services"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

3.      "Sale of local products on the market"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

4.      "Environment arranging"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 30 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

5.      "Meaningful leisure time"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 30 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

6.       " Care of culture and tradition"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 20 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 20.05.2016.

Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



NGO „Rēzeknes district community partnership”


Viļāni, Audriņu parish, Bērzgales parish, Čornajas parish, Dekšāres parish, Dricānu parish, Feimaņu parish, Gaigalavas parish, Griškānu parish, Ilzeskalna parish, Kantinieku parish, Kaunatas parish, Lendžu parish, Lūznavas parish, Maltas parish, Mākoņkalna parish, Nagļu parish, Nautrēnu parish, Ozolaines parish, Ozolmuižas parish, Pušas parish, Rikavas parish, Sakstagala parish, Silmalas parish, Sokolku parish, Stoļerovas parish, Stružānu parish, Vērēmu parish, Viļānu parish


Support programs:

1.      "Business start-up and development"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "Preserve and promote the cultural, natural heritage, improved public infrastructure"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 20.05.2016.

Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



Public-private partnership NGO „Zied zeme”


Ikšķile, Tīnūžu parish, Ķegums, Birzgales parish, Rembates parish, Tomes parish, Lielvārde, Jumpravas parish, Lēdmanes parish, Lielvārdes parish, Krapes parish, Ķeipenes parish, Lauberes parish, Madlienas parish, Mazozolu parish, Meņģeles parish, Ogresgala parish, Suntažu parish, Taurupes parish, Baldone, Baldones parish


Support programs:

1.      "Support for new product and service creation, existing products and services for the development, the realization of the market and the quality of working conditions'

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "Support for processing of agricultural products, including own production packaging, the realization of the market and the quality of working conditions'

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

3.      "Support for the creation or improvement of the environment, which are sold in the domestic production and sales of new type of implementation"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

4.      "Support staff competencies and increase productivity"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 20 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

5.      "Support for the local area, including natural and cultural sites, arrangement of access to services, quality and reach "

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

6.      "Support for social activities to diversify the local population"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 10 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 20.05.2016.

  Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



NGO „Daugavpils un Ilūkstes district partnership „Kaimiņi”


Ilūkste, Subate, Ambeļu parish, Bebrenes parish, Biķernieku parish, Demenes parish, Dubnas parish, Dvietes parish, Eglaines parish, Kalkūnes parish, Kalupes parish, Laucesas parish, Līksnas parish, Maļinovas parish, Medumu parish, Naujenes parish, Nīcgales parish, Pilskalnes pagats, Prodes parish, Salienas parish, Skrudalienas parish, Sventes parish, Šedres parish, Tabores parish, Vaboles parish, Vecsalienas parish, Višķu parish


Support programs:

1.      "Support for micro, small and medium-sized business"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "Support for the creation or improvement of the environment, which promotes local products sales"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

3.      "Support for initiatives focusing on effective and sustainable management of natural and cultural resources of rural communities to raising living standards"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 25.05.2016.  

  Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



NGO „Dobeles district rural partnership”


Auce, Dobele, Annenieku parish, Augstkalnes parish, Auru parish, Bēnes parish, Bērzes parish, Bikstu parish, Bukaišu parish, Dobeles parish, Īles parish, Jaunbērzes parish, Krimūnu parish, Lielauces parish, Naudītes parish, Penkules parish, Tērvetes parish, Ukru parish, Vecauces parish, Vītiņu parish,  Zebrenes parish


Support programs:

1.      "Support for business start-ups and development and increasing the competitiveness"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 70 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "Public infrastructure, natural and cultural attractions of the quality and availability of the promotion of citizens'

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

3.      “Support for social activities to diversify territories citizens"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 10 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 30.05.2016.  

Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



NGO „Partnership „Daugavkrasts”


Baloži, Daugmales parish, Ķekavas parish


Support programs:

1.      “Micro, small and medium size enterprises establishment and development "

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "Partnership areas open to the public infrastructure and improvement of environmental quality, public facilities development"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

3.      "Public activities and the promotion of diversification, the promotion of lifelong learning"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 02.06.2016.

 Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



NGO „ Partnership for rural and aarine”


Degoles parish, Džūkstes parish, Engures parish, Jaunsātu parish, Lapmežciema parish, Lestenes parish, Slampes parish, Smārdes parish, Tumes parish, Zentenes parish, Jūrmala (EJZF territory)


Support programs:

1.      "Support for local community development an important object"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 50 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%

2.      "Support for social activities to diversify"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 20 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 90%


Acceptance of projects until 02.06.2016.

 Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566



NGO „Kandavas partnership”


Kandava, Kandavas parish, Cēres parish, Matkules parish, Zemītes parish, Vānes parish, Irlavas parish, Pūres parish, Sēmes parish, Zantes parish, Jaunpils parish, Viesatu parish


Support programs:

1.      "Support for business (with the exception of the field of tourism) to start and develop"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%

2.      "Support for entrepreneurship in tourism"

EU eligible costs per project: Up to 100 000 EUR

EU co-funding: Legal or natural persons up to 70%


Acceptance of projects until 02.06.2016. 

Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866 or +37127081566

Development of the project applications announced by the association „Sateka” in the rural territories of Gulbene and the town.

The association Sateka” is announcing the preparation of the open tender projects and the acceptance of applications according to the 4 October 2011 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 764 “The procedure in which state and European Union support for rural development is granted within the activity “Regional development strategy implementation””.

Production, processing and primary processing of agricultural products in domestic environments, and creation of added value to agricultural products


Co-financing for legal entities or individuals up to 50%

Programme open until 20.12.2013

Development of the project applications announced by the association „Iļģes lauku partnerība” in the territories of Aloja, Staicele, Braslava and Brīvzemnieki.

The association Iļģes lauku partnerība” is announcing the preparation of the open tender projects and the acceptance of applications according to the 4 October 2011 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 764 “The procedure in which state and European Union support for rural development is granted within the activity “Regional development strategy implementation””.

Production, processing and primary processing of agricultural products in domestic environments”


Co-financing for legal entities or individuals up to 50%

Programme open until 27.12.2013

Development of the project applications announced by the association „Ludzas rajona partnerība” in the territories of Ludza, Kārsava, Zilupe and Cibla.

The association „Ludzas rajona partnerība” is announcing the preparation of the open tender projects and the acceptance of applications according to the 4 October 2011 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 764 “The procedure in which state and European Union support for rural development is granted within the activity “Regional development strategy implementation” and „Diversification of rural economy and promotion of life quality in the territories of local strategy implementation”.

„Publicly accessible open space improvement”


Co-financing for legal entities or individuals up to 40%, for associations 10%

“Production, processing and primary processing of agricultural products in domestic environments”


Co-financing for legal entities or individuals up to 50%

Programme open until 30.12.2013

Development of the project applications announced by the association „Zied zeme” in the territories of Ogre, Ikšķile, Ķegums and Lielvārde.

The association Zied zeme” is announcing the preparation of the open tender projects and the acceptance of applications according to the 4 October 2011 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 764 “The procedure in which state and European Union support for rural development is granted within the activity “Regional development strategy implementation””.

„Support to development of handicrafts”

EU Eligible costs 20 000 LVL

Co-financing for legal entities or individuals up to 50%

Programme open until 30.12.2013

NGO "Sateka" announced for project development in Gulbene and Gulbenes municipality.

NGO „Sateka” announcing an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the "Competitiveness on local development strategy implementation" within:

"Promotion of agricultural production and / or pre-treatment; recycling and pre-treatment at home."

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%

Acceptance of projects to 05/14/2014

NGO „Madonas novada fonds” announced for projects in Cesvaines municipality, Madona and Madonas mucipality, Ērgļu municipality.

NGO „Madonas novada fonds” announcing an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the "diversification of the rural economy and quality of life of local development strategy implementation in the territory" within:

"Agricultural production, treatment and processing services"

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% for NGO’s

Acceptance of projects to 05/14/2014

NGO ”Kandavas Partnerība” announced for project development in Kandava and Kandavas municipality.

NGO ”Kandavas Partnerība” announcing an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the "diversification of the rural economy and quality of life for the promotion of local development strategy implementation" within:

"Public activities in the Kandavas Partnership territory"

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% for NGO’s

Project acceptance by 09/05/2014.

NGO “Seši krasti” announced projects for Piltenes, Jūrkalnes, Užavas, Vārves, Ziru, Zlēku municipality.

NGO “Seši krasti” announcing an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the “diversification of the rural economy and quality of life for the promotion of local development strategy implementation” within:

"Service availability and quality improvement for local residents”

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% for NGO’s

Project acceptance by 05/13/2014.

NGO “Alūksnes lauku partnerība” announced for projects Aluksne, Ape and Aluksne municipality.

NGO “Alūksnes lauku partnerība” announcing an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the "diversification of the rural economy and quality of life for the promotion of local development strategy implementation within 'and' competitiveness on local development strategy implementation" within:

"Public activities (including training and club interests, culture, environment, sports and other leisure activities) for different groups of the population"

EU eligible costs: 28 457EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% for NGO’s

"Promotion of agricultural product production and primary processing"

EU eligible costs: 28 457EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%

Project acceptance by 07/05/2014.

NGO “Pierīgas partnerība” announced for projects in Olaine, Babites, Marupes, Olaine, Salas municipality.

NGO “Pierīgas partnerība” announcing an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the "competitiveness on local development strategy implementation in the territory" within:

"Support access to services, improve quality and reach for local people"

EU eligible costs: 28 457EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% for NGO’s

Project acceptance by 05/15/2014.

NGO “Ropažu partnerība” announced for projects Ropaži municipality.

NGO “Ropažu partnerība” announcing an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the "competitiveness on local development strategy implementation in the territory" within:

"The existing social, public and municipal services diversification and development of new service, development and improvement of access"

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% for NGO’s

Project acceptance by 05/15/2014.

NGO “Stopiņu un Salaspils partnerība” announced for projects Aizkraukles, Jaunjelgavas and Plavinas municipality.

NGO “Stopiņu un Salaspils partnerība” announcing an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the "diversification of the rural economy and quality of life for the promotion of local development strategy implementation in the territory" within:

"Service availability, accessibility and quality of the necessary infrastructure and providing material and technical equipment of the receipt of services in less populated areas"

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% for NGO’s

Project acceptance by 09/05/2014.

NGO “Partnerība “Zaļā vārna”” announced for projects Garkalne.

NGO “Partnerība “Zaļā vārna”” announcing an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the "diversification of the rural economy and quality of life for the promotion of local development strategy implementation in the territory" within:

"Support of the population and various representatives (children, teenagers, pensioners, disabled people and other) interests of consumers, including, they need for space and equipment and (equipment and inventory) to ensure the public its actions”

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% for NGO’s

Project acceptance by 05/14/2014.

NGO “Lauku partnerība “Ziemeļgauja”” announces project development in Valka and Valkas’s municipality

NGO “Lauku partnerība “Ziemeļgauja”” announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 “Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the framework of “Diversification of the rural economy and local development strategy implementation to improve the quality of life”:

“Installation and improvement of leisure infrastructure for local residents”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 60%, 10% for NGO’s

“Conservation and development of cultural heritage”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 60%, 10% for NGO’s

The program is open until 22/04/2014.

NGO “Liepajas rajona partnerība” announces project development in Liepājas, Durbes and Sakas municipality except city of Liepāja

NGO “Liepajas rajona partnerība” announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 “Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the frameworks of “Diversification of the rural economy and local development strategy implementation to improve the quality of life” and “Competiveness in territories of local development implementation strategy”:

“Improvement of leisure activity infrastructure in territory of local area development strategy, improvement and equipping of it”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 60%, 10% for NGO’s

“Support for operations and development of local initiative groups”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 60%, 10% for NGO’s

“Conservation of natural and cultural heritage”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 60%, 10% for NGO’s

“Encouragement of development of agricultural food products in areas of local development strategy”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%

The program is open until 22/04/2014.

NGO “Ziemeļkurzemes biznesa asociācija” announces project development in Dundagas, Īves, Kolkas, Lubes, Valdgales, Ances, Popes, Puzes, Tārgales, Ugāles, Usmas municipality

NGO “Ziemeļkurzemes biznesa asociācija” announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 “Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the framework of “Competiveness in territories of local development implementation strategy”:

“Agricultural products production and pre-processing”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%

Projects accepted until 25/04/2014.

NGO “Bauskas rajona lauku partnerība” announces project development in Bauska and Bauska’s municipality

NGO “Bauskas rajona lauku partnerība” announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 “Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the frameworks of “Competiveness in territories of local development implementation strategy” and “Diversification of the rural economy and local development strategy implementation to improve the quality of life”:

“Agricultural products production and pre-processing”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%

“Diversification of leisure activities”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 60%, 10% for NGO’s

Projects accepted until 28/04/2014

NGO “Krāslavas rajona partnerība” announces project development in Krāslavas municipality

NGO “Krāslavas rajona partnerība” announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 “Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the framework of “Competiveness in territories of local development implementation strategy”:

“Agricultural products production and pre-processing”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%

Projects accepted until 25/04/2014

NGO “Daugavpils un Ilūkstes novadu partnerība „Kaimiņi”” announces project development in municipalities of Daugavpils and Ilūkste, as well as Subatē including rural area

NGO “Daugavpils un Ilūkstes novadu partnerība „Kaimiņi”” announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 “Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the frameworks of “Competiveness in territories of local development implementation strategy” and “Diversification of the rural economy and local development strategy implementation to improve the quality of life”:

“Diversification of the rural economy and local development strategy implementation to improve the quality of life”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%

“Conservation and enhancement of traditions for sustainable use of natural and cultural resources”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 60%, 10% for NGO’s

Projects accepted until 25/04/2014

NGO “Zied Zeme” announces project development in municipalities of Ogre, Ikšķile, Ķegums and Lielvārde

NGO “Zied Zeme” announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 “Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the framework of “Diversification of the rural economy and local development strategy implementation to improve the quality of life”:

“Diversification of public activities for local residents”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 60%, 10% for NGO’s

“Support for employment and diversification of services (with the exception of fisheries-related industries)”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 60%, 60% for NGO’s

Projects accepted until 07/04/2014

NGO “Gaujas partnerība” announces project development in municipality of Ādaži

NGO “Gaujas partnerība” announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 “Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the frameworks of “Diversification of the rural economy and local development strategy implementation to improve the quality of life” and “Competiveness in territories of local development implementation strategy”:

"Support for training, education and the acquisition of new skills for population and availability of materials for cultural education to all people no matter what their abilities, needs and social, physical, mental condition"


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 60%, 10% for NGO’s

Support for agricultural products production and pre-processing, as well as purchase of perennial fruit plants, plantation system support, fence, fence support acquisition, installation and plantings"


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%

Projects accepted until 17/04/2014

NGO “Baldones partnerība” announces project development in Baldone and rural area of Baldone

NGO “Baldones partnerība” announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 “Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the framework of “Diversification of the rural economy and local development strategy implementation to improve the quality of life”:

“Development of necessary infrastructure and acquisition of material technical equipment in centralised service points of reception for service availability, accessibility and quality improvements”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 60%, 10% for NGO’s

“Development of necessary infrastructure and acquisition of material technical equipment, as well as approbation for diversification of public activities that are placed for accessibility of local residents”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 60%, 10% for NGO’s

Projects accepted until 15/05/2014

NGO “Sernikon” announces project development in municipality of Carnikava

NGO “Sernikon” announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and approval of the Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules Nr.764 “Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development in the frameworks of “Diversification of the rural economy and local development strategy implementation to improve the quality of life” and “Competiveness in territories of local development implementation strategy”:

“Diversification of public activities for local residents”


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 60%, 10% for NGO’s

“Diversification of the rural economy and local development strategy implementation to improve the quality of life”°


Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%

Projects accepted until 17/04/2014

NGO "Balvi partnership" announced for projects Baltinava, Balvi, Rugāji and Viļaka municipality.

NGO “Balvi Partnership” announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and adoption Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development event “Diversification of rural economy and quality of life for the promotion of local development strategy implementation” and “Competitiveness of the local development strategy implementation” within :

“Modernization of agricultural holdings and the promotion of home compounders increase competition.”

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%
Project acceptance on May 7, 2014

“Business diversification.”

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%

Project acceptance on April 28, 2014
Specialist free advice +37127089866

NGO "Partnership countryside and the sea" for the announced projects Zentenes Engure, Lapmezciema, Smārdes, Slampes municipality area.

NGO "Partnership countryside and the sea" announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and adoption Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development event “Diversification of rural economy and quality of life for the promotion of local development strategy implementation in the territory” within :

“Inventory, facilities and small-scale infrastructure (including construction and reconstruction) social activities (including training centers of interests, culture, environment, sports and other leisure activities).”

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% of associations

Project acceptance on April 28, 2014
Specialist free advice +37127089866

NGO "From Salaca to Ruja" announced for projects in municipality areas Mazsalacas, Kārķu pag., Rujiena and Burtnieku region.

NGO "From Salaca to Ruja" " announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and adoption Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development event “Diversification of rural economy and quality of life for the promotion of local development strategy implementation in the territory” within :

“Diversification of services, their quality and the reach to the local population.”

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%, 10% of associations

“Population gathering place of interest for education and leisure Creation and Restoration.”

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%, 10% of associations

“Agricultural production, preparation, processing and pre-treatment at home.”

EU eligible costs: 14 228 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%

Project Acceptance - 2014 06.May
Specialist free advice +37127089866

NGO "Rural Partnership Selija" announced for projects Akniste, Viesite, Riga, Krustpils, Salas municipality.

NGO "Rural Partnership Selija" announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and adoption Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development event “Diversification of rural economy and quality of life for the promotion of local development strategy implementation” within :

“Health and Fitness - respect yourself and the environment. "(Support for health promotion and sports activities to promote environmental protection activities, to ensure availability of natural.”

EU eligible costs: 7 000 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% of associations

Project acceptance on 22 April 2014.
Specialist free advice +37127089866

NGO "Saldus District Development Association" announced for projects Saldus and Brocenu municipality.

NGO "Saldus District Development Association" announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and adoption Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development event “Diversification of rural economy and quality of life for the promotion of local development strategy implementation” within :

“Agricultural production and processing and pre-processing and pre-treatment at home.”

EU eligible costs: 28 457EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%

Acceptance Project - 2014 30th April.
Specialist free advice +37127089866

NGO "Iges rural partnership" announced for projects Alojas municipality.

NGO "Iges rural partnership" announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and adoption Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development event “Diversification of rural economy and quality of life for the promotion of local development strategy implementation” and “competitiveness on local development strategy implementation in the territory” within :

“Access to services, quality and reach of raising the necessary infrastructure and equipment, machinery, equipment, information technology and software Purchase.”

EU eligible costs: 7 000 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% of associations

“Public diversifying activities necessary infrastructure and facilities, equipment, facilities, information technology and software acquisition and installation.”

EU eligible costs: 15 000 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% of associations

“Agricultural products, pre-treatment and treatment at home.”

EU eligible costs: 28 457EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%

Acceptance Project - 2014 28th April.
Specialist free advice +37127089866

NGO "Talsi partnership" announced for projects Tulsa, Sabiles, Valdemarpils municipality area.

NGO "Talsi partnership" announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and adoption Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development event “Diversification of rural economy and quality of life for the promotion of local development strategy implementation” and “competitiveness on local development strategy implementation in the territory” within :

“Outdoor territory improvement, environmental, natural, cultural values ​​and other objects surrounding landscaping.”

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% of associations

“Support for agricultural production, treatment and processing.”

EU eligible costs: 28 457EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%

Acceptance Project - 2014 07th May.
Specialist free advice +37127089866

NGO "Aizkraukle partnership" announced for projects Aizkraukles, Jaunjelgava, Plavinas municipality.

NGO "Aizkraukle partnership" announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and adoption Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development event “Competitiveness of the local development strategy implementation” within :

“Aizkraukle partnerships within the food produced in the product mix expansion of the local food supply range.”

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%

Acceptance of projects by 2014. On the 07th May.
Specialist free advice +37127089866

NGO "Abulas rural partnership" announced for projects in Smiltene, Smiltene municipality.

NGO "Abulas rural partnership" announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and adoption Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development event “Diversification of rural economy and quality of life for the promotion of local development strategy implementation” and “competitiveness on local development strategy implementation in the territory” within :

“Local residents for recreation appropriate infrastructure.”

EU eligible costs: 3 000 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 40%, 10% of associations

“Agricultural production, processing and pre-processing, pre-treatment at home.”

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%

Acceptance of projects by 2014. on April 28
Specialist free advice +37127089866

NGO "Vidzeme country partnership “Brasla” " projects announced for Zilaiskalns, Dikli, Vaidava, Straupes, Stalbe Ledurga, Vidrizi, Umurga, Katvaru, Limbazu municipality.

NGO "Vidzeme country partnership “Brasla” " announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and adoption Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development event “Diversification of rural economy and quality of life for the promotion of local development strategy implementation” and “competitiveness on local development strategy implementation in the territory” within :

“Agricultural production and primary processing promotion.”

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%

“Agricultural products, the value creation, processing and pre-treatment at home.”

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%

Acceptance of projects by 2014. On the 28th April.
Specialist free advice +37127089866

NGO "Cesis District Rural Partnership" announced for projects Amata, Cesis, Jaunpiebalgas, Līgatnes, Pārgaujas, Priekuļu, Raunas, Vecpiebalgas municipality.

NGO "Cesis District Rural Partnership" announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and adoption Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development event “Diversification of rural economy and quality of life for the promotion of local development strategy implementation” and “competitiveness on local development strategy implementation in the territory” within :

“Modernisation of agricultural holdings and agricultural products, the value creation.”

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 50%

Acceptance of projects by 2014. on 07.maijam
Specialist free advice +37127089866

NGO "Dobele District Rural Partnership" announced for projects Dobele, Auce, Tervetes municipality.

NGO "Dobele District Rural Partnership" announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and adoption Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development event “Diversification of rural economy and quality of life for the promotion of local development strategy implementation” within :

“Local public promotion activities - active recreation and leisure infrastructure and improvement of the local population and environment in the territory improvement.”

EU eligible costs: 14 000 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 60%, 10% of associations

Acceptance of projects by 2014. 09. May.
Specialist free advice +37127089866

NGO "Ludzas district partnership" announced for projects Sloka, Ludza, Zilupe, Cibla municipality.

NGO „Ludzas district partnership" announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and adoption Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development event “Diversification of rural economy and quality of life for the promotion of local development strategy implementation” within :

“Social infrastructure and health services development, ensuring access to services.”

EU eligible costs: 28 457 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 60%, 10% of associations

Acceptance of projects by 2014. On 07.maijam.
Specialist free advice +37127089866

NGO "Rezekne district community partnership" announced for projects in Rezekne, Vilanu municipality.

NGO "Rezekne district community partnership" announces an open call for project applications in accordance with the preparation and adoption Minister Cabinet 2011. 4th October rules 783 Procedure for granting State and the European Union support for rural development event “Diversification of rural economy and quality of life for the promotion of local development strategy implementation” within :

“Access to social services (day centers, laundry, internet point, a crisis center for a variety of social service points in, etc.).”

EU eligible costs: 4 000 EUR
Co-funding: legal or natural persons up to 60%, 10% of associations

Acceptance of projects by 2014. on April 28
Specialist free advice +37127089866

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Rīgas rajona Lauku attīstība» in the municipality of Sigulda and Sēja,in the parishes of Vangaži, Allaži, Inčukalns, Krimulda, Mālpils and Saulkrasti including rural territories.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Darīsim paši» in the city and municipality of Kuldiga.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Balvu rajona partneriba» in the city and municipality of Balvi.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Jurkalne» in the municipality of Salacgrīva and in city of Ainazi and its rural territories.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Partneriba laukiem un jurai» in the municipality of Engure.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Liepajas rajona partneriba» in the municipalities of Liepaja, Durbe and Saka except the city of Liepaja.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Partneriba daugavkrasts» in the parishes of Kekava, Daugmale and city of Balozi.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Ziemelkurzemes biznesa asociacija» in the Ventspils municipality.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Talsu rajona partneriba» in the municipalities of Talsi, Sabile and in the city of Valdemarpils with its rural territories.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Aizkraukles rajona partneriba» in the municipality of Aizkraukle.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Madonas novada fonds» in the municipalities of Madona, Cesvaine, Ergli, Lubana and Varaklani.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Upe 8» in the municipalities of Degole, Dzukste, Jaunpils, Jaunsati, Lestene, Tume and Viesati.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Kraslavas rajona partneriba» in the municipality of Kraslava.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Kaimini» in the municipality of Daugavpils, Ilukste and in the city of Subate with its rural territory.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Upe 8» in the city of Cesis and Cesis municipality.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Seši krasti» in the municipality of Piltene, Jurkalne, Uzava, Varve, Ziras and Zlekas.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Aluksnes lauku partneriba» in the municipality of Aluksne and Ape with its rural territory.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Gaujas partneriba» in the municipality of Adazi.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Rezeknes rajona kopienu partneriba» in the municipality of Rezekne and Vilani.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Baldones partneriba» in the city of Baldone and its rural territory.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Ropazu partnerība» in the municipality of Ropazi.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Sernikon» in the municipality of Carnikava.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Pierīgas partnerība» in the city of Olaine, Babite, Marupe, Olaine and Sala parishes.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Stopinu un Salaspils partnerība» in the municipality of Stopini and Salaspils.

Development of the project applications announced by the association «Zala varna» in the municipality of Garkalne.

Submission of project applications in scope of actions „Competitiveness Stimulation in the Territory of Local Development Strategies Implementation” and „Diversification of Rural Economy and Life Quality Improvement in the Territory of Local Development Strategies Implementation” is announced.

Submission of projects by February 28, 2014

1. Who can apply for funding

  • Registered business in Latvian Republic - micro, small, medium or large companies whose business activity is classified as the processing industry;
  • State, local or by other public or private entity established educational institution, cultural institution or a medical institution registered in Latvian Republic

2. Activities that are supported

2.1. Investments in environmental protection, that allows you to save energy:

  • Reconstruction or simplified renovation that increases energy efficiency of buildings;
  • Equipment and systems for efficient heat recovery;
  • Installation of energy efficient lighting;
  • Installation of power management and control system.

2.2. Investments in usage of renewable energy sources:

Additional investments in the transition of technologies using fossil energy resources, to technologies using renewable energy resources, including:

  • Purchase, delivery and installation of biomass boilers with a total heat output of less than 3 MW;
  • Purchase, supply, construction and connection to utility networks of biomass cogeneration plants with a total thermal capacity of less than 3 MW;
  • Heat pump energy sources;
  • Solar collectors;
  • Solar photoelectric panels (solar panels);
  • Wind power plants.

3. Amount of funding

The maximum available grant is EUR 853 723, 09.

Support Level:

85% - educational institutions and cultural institutions, regardless of their legal status;

65% - micro and small enterprises;

55% - medium-sized enterprises;

45% - large enterprises;

Objective of the program is to develop non-agricultural operating activities and employment in rural areas, as well as to diversify non-agricultural operating activities with a purpose to create alternative income sources and increase income level in rural areas. WHO CAN APPLY FOR THE PROJECT:
  • Farmer, who performs operating activities and whose place of residence is declared in rural area, as well as individual entrepreneur or a legal entity with a legal address in rural area producing agricultural products, and in the last operating period income proportion from agricultural activities is not less than 51% from overall income;
  • Person performing operating activities, whose place of residence is declared in rural area, as well as individual entrepreneur or a legal entity with a legal address in rural area, if they meet the legislation requirements defining micro or small enterprise status; in case when applicant is a legal entity not less than 75% of its share capital has to be private capital shares.
  • Development of non-agricultural activities (beneficiary performs development in existing operating activities in the sector and the industry that directly complements the existing operating activities and is associated with them in order to increase the effectiveness of the existing operating activities);
  • Diversification of non-agricultural activities;
  • Development of tourism activities:
    1. already existing tourist accommodation rebuilding, renovation and equipping;
    2. already existing tourist accommodation catering block construction as well as renovation or reconstruction of buildings and acquisition of the necessary equipment;
    3. new building (with a total area less than 25 square meters) construction, equipping in camping area or in the area prepared for tents, portable cabins, trailers and other lightweight structures and objects deployment, and accommodation of the guests;
    4. existing camping and youth hostels common use kitchens, dining rooms, toilets and shower rooms construction and rebuilding, renovation and equipping;
    5. diversification of the tourism services offered.
  • Acquisition costs of new fixed assets necessary for the production and services’ providing to directly ensure the production processes and services’ providing processes within the scope of the project as well as one – time costs related to installation of the technical equipment;
  • New construction or in accordance with the construction project and group of buildings – reconstruction project costs;
  • Building materials purchase costs based on approved construction project or applicant’s calculations regarding the construction costs if the Construction Board has issued to the applicant an explanatory memorandum;
  • Other expenses not exceeding 7% of the overall eligible construction costs and not exceeding the amount of 5000 EUR;
  • Costs related to the purchase of mobile equipment to be registered in Road Traffic Safety Directorate or State Technical Supervision Agency, if the mobile equipment is not intended to be used for hire or reward.
  • The location of the object financed under this program is rural area – Latvian territory with exception of the cities and county territorial units - cities with more than 5000 inhabitants;
  • Additional conditions regarding granting the development of tourism activities - the applicant at least one year before the submission of the project application as a tourism service provider is included in the travel brochure or on the website set up by the tourism promotion related entity;
  • The maximum amount of eligible costs available for one applicant during the project period is calculated not exceeding the amount of net sales from operating activities during the previous financial year before project application submission more than three times.
Total amount of eligible costs for ONE PROJECT does not exceed 200 000 EUR. The maximum acceptable financing intensity of the project's total eligible costs: 40%

Specialist advice free of charge +37127089866

Projektu var iesniegt:

  • LR reģistrēts komersants - sīkais (mikro), mazais, vidējais vai lielais uzņēmums, kura saimnieciskās darbības veids klasificējams kā apstrādes rūpniecība (NACE kodi 10 – 33) un saimniecisko darbību ražošanas ēkā veic vismaz 2 gadus;
  • LR reģistrēta izglītības iestāde, ārstniecības iestāde vai kultūras iestāde

Uz finansējumu nevar pretendēt komersants, kas:

  • ražo Līguma par Eiropas Savienības darbību I pielikumā minēto lauksaimniecības un mežsaimniecības produkciju un plāno ražot enerģiju no lauksaimnieciskas vai mežsaimnieciskas izcelsmes biomasas, paredzot pārdot biogāzi izmantojošajās koģenerācijas iekārtās saražoto elektroenerģiju;
  • ir iesaistītas Eiropas Savienības emisijas kvotu tirdzniecības sistēmā saskaņā ar likumu „Par piesārņojumu”’;
  • projekta ietvaros plāno ražot siltumenerģiju un elektroenerģiju ar tehnoloģijām, kurās plānots izmantot biogāzi, kas iegūta anaeirobā procesā.

Atbalstāmās darbības:

1) Ieguldījumu veikšana vides aizsardzībā, kas ļauj ietaupīt enerģiju:

  • ražošanas ēku energoefektivitāti paaugstinoši rekonstrukcijas vai vienkāršotās renovācijas darbi;
  • energoefektivitāti paaugstinoši papildus ieguldījumi esošajās ražošanas tehnoloģiskajās iekārtās vai jaunu ražošanas tehnoloģisko iekārtu uzstādīšana, kuras tieši nodrošina ražošanas procesu ražošanas ēkās;
  • iekārtas un sistēmas efektīvai siltuma primārai un otrreizējai izmantošanai;
  • energoefektīva apgaismojuma uzstādīšana;
  • elektroapgādes vadības un kontroles sistēmu uzstādīšana.

2) Ieguldījumu veikšana atjaunojamo energoresursu izmantošanai:

Papildu ieguldījumi pārejai no tehnoloģijām, kurās izmanto fosilos energoresursus, uz tehnoloģijām, kurās izmanto atjaunojamos energoresursus, tai skaitā:

  • biomasu izmantojošas katlu iekārtas kuru kopējā uzstādāmā siltuma jauda nepārsniedz 3 MW, iegāde, piegāde, uzstādīšana;
  • biomasu izmantojošas koģenerācijas stacijas, kuru kopējā uzstādāmā siltuma jauda nepārsniedz 3 MW iegāde, piegāde, būvniecība un pieslēgšana inženiertīkliem;
  • energoavoti ar siltuma sūkņiem;
  • saules kolektori;
  • saules fotoelektriskie paneļi (saules baterijas);
  • vēja elektrostacijas.

Maksimālais atbalsta apjoms ir 600 000 latu.

Atbalsta apjoms procentos no kopējām atbalstāmajām darbībām:

  • 65% - sīkiem (mikro) un maziem komersantiem;
  • 55% - vidējiem komersantiem;
  • 45% - lielajiem komersantiem;
  • 35% - komersantiem, ja līdz projekta iesniegšanai atbildīgajā iestādē Ekonomikas ministrija ir pieņēmusi lēmumu par tiesību piešķiršanu tam pārdot saražoto elektroenerģiju obligāti iepērkamā elektroenerģijas apjoma veidā vai par tiesību piešķiršanu tam saņemt garantētu maksu par elektrostacijā uzstādīto elektrisko jaudu, un šis lēmums nav atcelts vai zaudējis spēku;
  • 85 % – izglītības, ārstniecības vai kultūras iestādēm.

Projektu iesniegšanas termiņš - 2013. gada 20. augusts

Available funding from EUR 50 000 to EUR 600 000.

Support intensity up to 30 % of the total eligible costs of the project

Funding is granted for:

  • works on conversion and renovation of structures for enhancement of building energy performance;
  • enhancement of energy performance of the existing production technological equipment;
  • for acquisition of more energy – efficient production technological equipment to replace the existing production technological equipment;
  • renovation, conversion or construction of building utility systems;
  • use of renewable energy sources;
  • preparation of project engineering documents;
  • ensuring project management and supervision

Deadline for submitting project application: 13th December 2016 to 12th Maу 2017

For more detailed information, please call +37129237346

Submission of projects from 6 July 2015 to 4 August 2015


  • Ÿagricultural product processing company;
  • legal entity, that plans to start agricultural product processing;
  • legal entity, that is processing agricultural products at home.


  • lifting, loading and specialized transportation vehicles and equipment;
  • laboratory and quality control machinery and equipment;
  • computerized processing process management, control and accounting machinery and equipment (including security programs);
  • agricultural product primary production and storage machinery, inventory and equipment;
  • water supply and water treatment equipment;
  • sewerage, waste water (pre-treatment) and flue gas cleaning equipment;
  • heating and ventilation equipment;
  • mobile and stationary scales;
  • washing, disinfection machinery and equipment ;
  • specialized technological machinery and equipment necessary for the project set objectives - to achieve, including renewable energy production equipment (other than equipment intended for production of energy from agricultural and forestry biomass);
  • construction of new buildings and rebuilding costs of existing buildings intended for use of agricultural product production.


The maximum eligible costs of the applicant for aid in 2014- 2020 programming period are from EUR 100 000 to EUR 3 000 000

Intensity of support:

20% - 30% of the projects total eligible costs

10% additional support intensity for processing enterprises producing food quality scheme products

10% additional support intensity if manufacturing at least 5 foods that meet the recommended food selection criteria

10% additional support intensity for enterprises that need restructuring if it is affected by import restrictions set by other countries

10% additional support intensity if in project implementation energy efficient building will be build or energy efficient equipment will be purchased

10% additional support intensity if project introduces innovation

For free expert advice +371 29232296

The program will support long-term investments and the overall cost in the LIVESTOCK sector.

Project submission from August 14, 2015 till September 15, 2015.


Natural person who:

  • At the time the project is not older than 40 years;
  • Has acquired agricultural education or begun to study agriculture;
  • For the first time is setting up, taking over or inherit agricultural production company.

Legal person:

  • At least 51% owned by a natural person who meets the conditions listed above;
  • Established or taken over not earlier than 24 months before and is a producer of agricultural production.


80% of investment is for long-term investments:

  • purchase of land;
  • purchase of livestock;
  • purchase of fixed assets for production;
  • building.

20% of the investment is for overall costs.


For realization of project EUR 40 000.

80% of investment EUR 32 000 will be received as prepayment. 20% of investment EUR 8 000 will be received after implementation of project.

For free expert advice +371 29232296


1. Creation of new products and services, development of existing products and services for sales and creation of quality work conditions;

2. Processing of agricultural products for sales and creation of quality work conditions;

3. Creation or improvement of location where to sell domestically created products (outlets) and implementation of realization types;

4. Involution of employee productivity.


  • Legal entity (including NGO/foundation) or a natural person engaged in an economic activity (turnover up to 70 000 EUR per year);
  • Legal entity (including NGO/foundation) or a natural person, who intends to carry out an economic activity;.


  • business infrastructure projects up to 100 000 EUR if the investment in the construction of business infrastructure is at least 70% of the project's eligible costs;
  • other projects shall not exceed 50 000 EUR .



  • acquisition of new fixed assets and software;
  • construction costs;
  • construction materials;
  • costs related to public relations;
  • acquisition of patents, licenses, copyrights and trademarks or costs related to their use;
  • fees for workers participation in training, if they receive a certificate or proof of successful completion of training;
  • travel costs directly related to implementation of project and do not exceed 2% of the training costs;
  • general costs;
  • value added tax, if it can’t be recovered from the state budget.


For free expert advice +371 27089866


  1. Creation of new products and services, development of existing products and services for sales and creation of quality work conditions;
  2. Processing of agricultural products for sales and creation of quality work conditions;
  3. Creation or improvement of location where to sell domestically created products (outlets) and implementation of realization types;
  4. Involution of employee productivity.


  • Legal entity (including NGO/foundation) or a natural person engaged in an economic activity (turnover up to 70 000 EUR per year);
  • Legal entity (including NGO/foundation) or a natural person, who intends to carry out an economic activity;.


  • business infrastructure projects up to 100 000 EUR if the investment in the construction of business infrastructure is at least 70% of the project's eligible costs;
  • other projects shall not exceed 50 000 EUR .



  • acquisition of new fixed assets and software;
  • construction costs;
  • construction materials;
  • costs related to public relations;
  • acquisition of patents, licenses, copyrights and trademarks or costs related to their use;
  • fees for workers participation in training, if they receive a certificate or proof of successful completion of training;
  • travel costs directly related to implementation of project and do not exceed 2% of the training costs;
  • general costs;
  • value added tax, if it can’t be recovered from the state budget.


Project Submission from 09.28.2015. to 10.27.2015.


  • Fishery product processing company recognized by Food and Veterinary Service;
  • A natural or legal person who is home-processing fishery products and is recognized by Food and Veterinary Service;
  • Existing business, forming a new fishery products processing enterprises or newly established companies that make up the new fishing product processing company whose first accounting or fiscal year is not over yet.


  • New construction, reconstruction of buildings, construction installation, construction and renovation;
  • Purchase of fixed assets, with a capacity, productivity or capacity is at least 25% higher than the company's existing fixed assets (equipment and specialized in the production of transport equipment);
  • Such assets, which significantly changes the manufacturing or technological nature.



For free expert advice +371 27089866

Action “Support for implementing new products in production”

The event aims to encourage businesses increase productivity and competitiveness through the development and introduction of new products and technologies, as well as increasing private investment in research, development and innovation in accordance with the smart specialization strategy.


Projects applicant is a company registered in Commercial Register or appropriate agriculture or forestry cooperative company, which is registered in Company Register.


  • The project activities to be supported is an experimental technology manufacture or acquisition, as well as installation and testing in real production environments, making business operations, to technology readiness level No. 8 (according to the international standard ISO 16290: 2013) including, but not beyond that level. No technology readiness level. 8 is the latest technological development and the level has been reached, if the system has been completed and tested - it has been demonstrated that the technology works in its final form and the planned conditions.
  • Investments in tangible assets - machinery, equipment and materials required for the experimental technology for the manufacture, installation and testing of real production environment;
  • The cost of software, if it is submitted to the equipment manufacturer's confirmation that the software directly by the project the experimental technology activities;
  • Acquisition of licenses and patents related to the new facility or place of business of the establishment or expansion of an existing business, product diversification with new products or production process of fundamental change.
  • The project applicant or in accordance with the project's requirements defined in the experimental manufacturing technology components or equipment at least 20% of the experimental technology costs;
  • Not more than 80% of the cost of the experimental technology consists of components or equipment that the project applicant or the external service provider or supplier will choose from those that are already available on the market;
  • A beneficiary using its own resources or external financing, which is not associated with any commercial support, the project invests at least 25% of the total eligible costs;
  • Business plan is based on theoretical calculations and assumptions on which the experimental technology components or equipment manufacturer or installer provides proof of the 3 and 6 of these parameters and at least one of 1, 2, 4, 5 or 7 of these parameters has not been tested in real production environments, making business operations, long-lasting, intense operating conditions:
    1. no manufacturing practice test hypotheses underlying the experimental technology components or equipment technical specifications;
    2. not prepared for special equipment and production structures that are necessary to operate the experimental technology components or equipment;
    3. not prepared for experimental processing components or equipment instructions and manuals;
    4. not a precedent for the experimental technology components or equipment stable operation of long-lasting, intense operating conditions;
    5. it is not known as experimental technology components or equipment works when production capacity is different;
    6. not tested in practice, how often will require experimental technology components or equipment maintenance and repair;
    7. experimental technology components or equipment not manufactured for commercial purposes.
FOR ONE PROJECT MINIMUM amount of eligible costs 1 000 000 EUR, while the MAXIMAL amount of eligible costs 16 000 000 EUR. The maximum allowable aid intensity of the project's total eligible costs: 35%.

Specialist advice free of charge +371 20511711 or +371 26557422

Event „Support for investments in construction or reconstruction of production facilities and infrastructure.” Scheduled to open in 1st quarter of 2016. Cabinet of Ministers regulations and approval is in development. WHO CAN APPLY FOR FUNDING:
  • Port Authority
  • Merchant whose activities are related to real estate development for production needs and further leases;
  • Merchant (small, medium or micro enterprise), whose core business is manufacturing sector (NACE Section C)
  • Merchant who owns or long-term leases (at least 10 years after project completion, the agreement must be registered in Land Register) the real estate, including land. Real estate must be located in territory of particular functional zoning, which allows construction of industrial production facilities.
  • Construction, reconstruction or renovation of building (buildings) for industrial production;
  • Installation and reconstruction of water supply, heat supply, sewage, waste collection and drainage infrastructure, installation and reconstruction of underground communication infrastructure, installation and reconstruction of gas, electricity, communication wiring infrastructure and construction or reconstruction of roads necessary for this building;
  • Author supervision and construction supervision costs associated with the production of building construction, reconstruction or renovation, up to 5% of the project's eligible costs.
  • Building is located in territory stipulating industrial zoning;
  • Place of realization of project is republic or county town with a population over 10 000 on 01.01.2015., except Riga (Cesis, Daugavpils, Jelgava, Jekabpils, Jurmala, Kuldiga, Liepaja, Ogre, Olaine, Rezekne, Salaspils, Saldus, Sigulda, Tukums, Valmiera, Ventspils);
  • After commissioning of the newly build, renovated or reconstructed industrial building must be leased to micro, small and medium sized enterprises whose core business is in manufacturing industry, or projects beneficiaries core business is in manufacturing industry;
  • Total area of industrial building must be not less than 1000 m2;
  • At the conclusion of the project 30% of the building must be leased, during 36 months at least 80% of the building must be leased;
  • There must be no economical activity over the last two years before the project starts in the building which is planned to reconstruct or renovate;
  • A job (full-time for at least three years) must be created for every 41 000 EUR required from EU funding.

Action "Support for investments in construction or reconstruction of production facilities and infrastructure”.


  • Business registered in Latvia, foundation or port authority. It’s activities are related to real estate development for manufacturing needs and leasing of such properties or it is micro, small, medium-sized enterprise and its core business is in manufacturing sector;


  • Construction of industrial production facilities for manufacturing enterprises needs, conversion or restoration costs for such facilities;
  • Construction or reconstruction of water supply, heat supply, sewage, waste water collection and drainage infrastructure, construction or reconstruction of underground communications infrastructure, gas, electricity, construction or reconstruction of communication wiring infrastructure, as well as construction and reconstruction of access roads, internal roads and areas necessary for needs of intended industrial manufacturing building set out in project;
  • Value added tax form projects eligible costs, if the project applicant can’t recover VAT in accordance with laws and regulations of taxation;
  • Preparation costs for project application supporting documents (feasibility study, planning and architectural tasks, construction project in technical project or sketch design stage), construction supervision and author supervision costs associated with the long term investments of project, together not exceeding more than 10% of total eligible project costs, as well as a maximum of 10% of works contract amount.

Equipment purchase and installation costs are not eligible.


  • Location of project implementation within the meaning of these provisions is a relevant functional zoning, where construction of industrial production facilities is allowed and where project applicant is constructing, refurbishing or renewing this industrial building and where after construction, reconstruction or renovation completion will be used for manufacturing sector activities or rented for these activities to a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise.
  • Under this action project will be supported in all Latvian territory, with the exception of Riga.
  • Project applicant has property or possessory rights or long-term lease rights for real estate, including land, where investments will be made. Possessory rights have been granted under the Law on Ports or the projects applicant activity regulating regulations of Special Economic Zones. Property rights is certified by the Land Register entry or registered in Land Register project applicants purchase agreement with Wait rights, but for long-term lease rights – project applicants registered lease rights in Land Register – at least 10 years after project completion.
  • In production facilities or premises which the project has intended to rebuild or restore for the last two years before submitting of the project application has not carried out economical activities in manufacturing.
  • For every 41 000 EUR required from EU funds work place should be created (full-time for at least three years) and during that time it is ensured that the workers pay is equal or greater than the average pay in corresponding sector in previous calendar years first three quarters.



Maximal allowed support intensity of the project total eligible costs:

  • large enterprises– 35%;
  • micro, small and medium-sized enterprises – 45%.

Project submission deadline: from June 3rd till August 3rd 2016

Conditions of the country and the European Union support the allocation, administration and monitoring of rural development for the period 2014 to 2020 planning period.

Cabinet of Ministers on Tuesday, September 30, adopted the provisions of "The State and the European Union support for open tender in the form of the measure" Investments in tangible assets "Procedures for granting."

The event included three sub arrangements - "Support for investment in agricultural holdings", "Support for investments in processing" and "Support for investment in agriculture and forestry infrastructure development." Intended to encourage investment in modern technology and production farms, cooperative societies and agricultural products processing enterprises throughout the Latvian.

1.Support for investment in agricultural holdings


  • agricultural holding;
  • A natural person who intends to establish a farm or register commercial entity;
  • A legal entity, which plans to launch unprocessed agricultural products;
  • Co-operative society.


  • For agricultural tractors;
  • Tillage equipment and facilities, and stone removal techniques and equipment;
  • Sowing and planting machinery and equipment;
  • Crop-harvesting techniques and equipment, and also forage harvesting equipment and machinery;
  • Sowing, planting equipment and facilities, and fertilizer and plant protection machinery and equipment;
  • Lifting, handling and transportation equipment and machinery;
  • Primary agricultural products and machinery and storage facilities and refrigeration equipment and machinery, storage and freezing chambers;
  • Seeds and planting material, processing machinery and equipment;
  • Computerized manufacturing process control machinery and equipment (including software set), the mobile and stationary weights;
  • Machinery and equipment necessary for keeping animals in stalls or pastures (watering, feeding, animal care and fixing machinery and equipment);
  • Mechanization of farm machinery and equipment, mechanization and manure storage facilities and equipment;
  • Milking and cooling equipment and machinery;
  • Laboratory and quality control machinery and equipment;
  • Agricultural machinery maintenance and repair shop equipment and facilities, including cleaning, disinfection equipment and machinery;
  • Heating and ventilation appliances and equipment (other than equipment designed for the production of energy from agricultural and forestry biomass);
  • Water supply and sewerage, sewage treatment plants and equipment;
  • Irrigation machinery and equipment;
  • Horticultural machinery and equipment;
  • Specialized vehicles which are manufactured in a constructive and special-purpose goods or specific tasks;
  • Trucks, transport trailers and semi-trailers when they are acquired co-operative society;
  • Other machinery and equipment needed to set project objectives including renewable energy production equipment (other than equipment designed for the production of energy from agricultural and forestry biomass);
  • The fruit of perennial crop plants (except strawberries), the plantation arm systems, fences, fence pillars and their installation, as well as plantings on the basis of contracts with third parties who are responsible for carrying out the works;
  • New construction and reconstruction costs;
  • Purchase of construction materials.


Maximum eligible cost for applicant aid in 2014-2020 programming period are between EUR 300 000 and EUR 8 000 000.

The degree of support:

20% - 40% of eligible project costs

10% extra aid intensity, if the project is implemented in the livestock sector, which keep herbivores

10% extra aid intensity when the project is built or purchased energy-efficient buildings energy efficient equipment

2.Support for investments in processing


  • Food processing company;
  • A legal entity, which plans to launch the processing of agricultural products;
  • A legal entity that is engaged in the processing of agricultural products at home.


  • Lifting, handling and transportation of specialized equipment and facilities;
  • Laboratory and quality control machinery and equipment;
  • Computerized processing process management, control and accounting machinery and equipment (including software programs);
  • Agricultural primary production and storage of machinery, equipment and facilities;
  • Water supply and water treatment plants;
  • Sewerage, wastewater (pre) and flue gas treatment plants;
  • Heating and ventilation equipment;
  • Mobile and stationary weights;
  • Cleaning, disinfection equipment and machinery;
  • Specialized technological equipment and facilities that are necessary to achieve the objectives set out in the project, including renewable energy production equipment (other than equipment designed for the production of energy from agricultural and forestry biomass);
  • Processing of agricultural products for the construction of new buildings and existing buildings rebuilding costs.


Maximum eligible cost for applicant aid in 2014-2020 programming period are between EUR 100 000 and EUR 3 000 000.

The degree of support:

20% - 40% of eligible project costs

10% extra aid intensity processing plants that produce food quality schemes for products

10% extra aid intensity when producing at least 5 foods that meet the recommended food selection criteria

10% of the intensity of additional support to business restructuring, if it is affected by other countries' import restrictions set

10% extra aid intensity when the project is built or purchased energy-efficient buildings energy efficient equipment

3.Support for investment in agriculture and forestry infrastructure


  • agricultural holding;
  • A legal entity whose equity capital of private capital is more than 50 percent;
  • Municipality;
  • Co-operative society.


Drainage systems building and rebuilding costs for construction, land drainage system adjacent to the carriageway surfacing formation, sedimentation basins and other environmentally friendly elements, building on the basis of contracts with third parties.


Maximum eligible cost for applicant aid in 2014-2020 programming period are between EUR 300 000 and EUR 1 500 000.

The degree of support:

60% - 90% of eligible project costs

Project Submission on the May 9, 2014 to June 9, 2014


A natural or legal person who manufactures the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union listed in Annex I of unprocessed agricultural products, with the exception of fisheries products as well as domestic (pet) animals and in animals, which are not subject of breeding and animal breeding law.


New construction of manure storage, manure storage facilities of the reconstruction, the necessary building materials and hospital equipment.


Eligible costs of supporting the applicant in the selection stage does not exceed EUR 300 000.
The maximum eligible costs of the applicant from 2007 to 2013 planning period is EUR 3 984 041st
If the applicant is implementing the project of construction activity, the maximum eligible costs of more than 7 times the revenue from agricultural production ended last year on the application. This provision does not apply to applicants if the total eligible costs of the supported programming period is less than 213 431 EUR.

Support Level:
40% of the eligible costs.
About 5% increase intensity if the applicant is under 40 years of age.
About 10% increase intensity if:

  • Investments of less-favored areas and after completion of the project in the agricultural production structure (manure storage) in less-favored areas;
  • Implementation of project activities in the dairy sector, to which the Council of 22 October 2007, Regulation (EC) Nr.1234/2007 establishing a common organization of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products (Single CMO Regulation) in Chapter III of III Section.

Submission of projects from 7 March 2014 to 7 April 2014

1. Who can apply for the project?

  • Fish processing company recognized by Food and Veterinary Service;
  • Company circulating animal products not usable for human consumption, dealing with fish by-product or waste processing recognized by Food and Veterinary Service;
  • Physical or legal person who is home-producer of fishery products that is registered at Food and Veterinary Service;
  • An existing business (according to the accounting year), which creates a new fish processing or fish by-products processing enterprises;
  • A newly established business (newly established, has not submitted annual report), which creates a new fish processing or fish by-products processing enterprises.

2. Activities that are supported

Construction or reconstruction of production workshop, cold storage facilities and warehouse, as well as purchase of fish processing and fish by-products processing devices and equipment:

  • Primary production and storage machinery and equipment for fishery products, including refrigeration equipment and machinery, storage equipment and freezers;
  • Computerized manufacturing process control machinery and equipment (including software), including mobile and fixed weights;
  • Equipment and machinery for laboratory and quality control;
  • Equipment and machinery for cleaning and disinfection;
  • Necessary energy equipment for company's needs, including heating and ventilation equipment and machinery;
  • Water and sanitation, waste water and waste gas treatment and water recycling equipment and machinery needed by the company;
  • Purchase of freight lifting and handling equipment;
  • Fish processing by-product and waste recycling machinery and equipment;
  • Other specialized technological equipment, facilities and equipment that are needed to achieve project goals;
  • Specialized production transportation equipment that provides the appropriate conditions for veterinary and sanitary requirements.

3. Amount of support

The maximal eligible costs for a company for planning period from 2007 to 2013 is EUR 5 000 000.

Maximal eligible costs of the project, taking into account the status and size of the enterprise, is from EUR 99 602 to EUR 5 000 000.

Support Level:

60% of the eligible costs to small (micro), small and medium-sized enterprises.

30% of the eligible cost of all other companies.

Project submission from 24 March 2014 to 22 April 2014

1. Who can aplly

  • Enterprise that processes agricultural products;
  • A legal entity engaged in the processing of agricultural products in the home for the purpose of the project to become a processing plant;
  • Existing or newly created organic agricultural products processing enterprise.

2. Activities that are supported

  • Construction and reconstruction costs;
  • Lifting, loading and specialized transportation equipment and machinery;
  • Laboratory and quality control equipment and machinery;
  • Computerized processing process control equipment and machinery;
  • Agricultural product primary production and storage of machinery and equipment;
  • Water supply and water treatment equipment;
  • Sewage, waste water and waste gas treatment equipment;
  • Heating and ventilation equipment;
  • Mobile and fixed weights;
  • Cleaning, disinfection equipment and machinery;
  • Specialized technological equipment and machinery required for the project targets;
  • One-off costs associated with instalation these machines and equipment;
  • Overheads.

3. Amount of support

The maximum eligible costs of the company from 2007 to 2013 planning period is from EUR 150 000 to EUR 7 000 000.

Level of support:

Processing plants and new processing plants:

50% of eligible costs for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises;

25% of the cost of other companies;

companies with 750 employees and a net turnover of EUR 200 000 000 and more are not eligable for support.

New dairy companies applying for the public funding allocated to the restructuring of the dairy sector as in European Economic Recovery Plan:

60% of the cost of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises;

30% of the cost of other companies;

companies with 750 employees and a net turnover of EUR 200 000 000 and more are not eligable for support.

For beneficiaries implementing the project in dairy sector the aid intensity may be increased by 10%.

Submission of projects from 7 March 2014 to 7 April 2014

1. Who can apply for the project?

Company, farmer and fisherman that is registered in Latvia.

2. Activities that are supported

  • Construction and reconstruction of new incubation workshops for aquaculture animal breeding;
  • Construction and renovation of hydraulic structures;
  • Any new construction or reconstruction;
  • New construction materials according to technical project ;
  • Purchase and installation of technological machinery and equipment for the purpose of project , including computer hardware;
  • Purchase of specialized computer software for production process management and control;
  • Purchase and installation of laboratory and quality control machinery and equipment;
  • Acquisition of no more than one craft or rowboats equipped with fish feeder;
  • Purchase and installation of water recycling equipment;
  • Installation and reconstruction of water supply and level adjustment equipment;
  • Purchase and installation of wild animal repellent devices and equipment;
  • Purchase of specialized transport for live fish transportation.

If the applicant in previous accounting year before the submission has revenue from sales of aquaculture products:

  • Purchase of equipment required for tree and shrub trimming and mowing of reeds for nesting and roosting sites of wild animals;
  • Tractor equipment for aquaculture companies operating needs;
  • Purchase of equipment needed for retail of own grown aquaculture products;

3. Amount of support

In programming period from 2007 to 2013 it does not exceed the eligible costs of these two parameters:

  • EUR 1,977,792;
  • An amount calculated at EUR 213,431 plus 10 times the amount of applicant's net turnover of the business operations in previous accounting year before the application.

Support Level:

For small (micro), small and medium-sized enterprises:

60% of the eligible costs;

40% of the eligible costs for the purchase of tractors and specialized transport of live fish transportation.

30% of the eligible cost for all other companies.

Submission of projects from 17 October 2014 until November 19, 2014

Project implementation location - Latvian territory


A natural or legal person who manufactures unprocessed agricultural products in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union listed in Annex I, with the exception of fisheries products as well as domestic (pet) animals and in animals that are not covered in breeding and animal breeding law.


New construction of manure storage facilities, the reconstruction of manure storage facilities, purchase of necessary building materials and hospital equipment.


40% of the eligible costs.

For 5% intensity increase –

  • natural person who is submitting them to the day younger than 40 years;
  • Legal entity if they member - natural person who owns the farm for more than 51% of the share capital of the project and submission of a day younger than 40 years.

Eligible costs of the applicant for aid in the selection stage does not exceed EUR 300 000.

Action "Support for development of new products into production"


  • Introduction of new products and technology and increase the productivity of enterprises;
  • The project to provide businesses of R & D work every year at least 0.72% of the annual net turnover:
    • micro, small and medium-sized enterprises - 3 years
    • large enterprises - 5 years after the implementation of the project.
Available financing:
  • The total amount of aid available – 60 000 000 EUR;
  • Aid intensity - 35% of the total eligible costs;
  • The minimum eligible costs of the project – 50 000 EUR;
  • One of the project applicant group of related persons shall not exceed the total financing of 2 000 000 EUR.
Who can apply for project:

Latvian Republic registered merchant, which satisfies the following operational and financial metrics:

  • the project output or amount of services provided at least 50% per annum will be exported (3 calendar years after the project completion);
  • project creates at least one workplace for every 200 000 EUR of funding indicated in the project application (at least one work station, where the funding of the project <200 000 EUR);
  • in conjunction with the project application is submitted by an EU credit institution registered in the first request, issued the execution of a letter of guarantee 4% in value of the amount of aid.
Eligible actions and costs:
  • new equipment (and equipment) acquisition costs directly by production or service process;
  • The costs associated with new economic activities or existing business expansion, product diversification or a fundamental change in the production process;
  • Long-term investments in assets used for economic activity specified in the project site.
Conditions and criteria:
  • Implementation of the project is the location of the Republic of Latvian territory in which the applicant's manufacturing products or providing services;
  • The property, including the land where the project will take a long-term investment, it is property of project applicant or is to be registered in the land register a long-term lease rights project monitoring period;
  • The project is implemented no longer than two years from the date the project has concluded an agreement with the co-operation institution, but not longer than until 30 December 2022.gada.

Project submission from March 20, 2014 to June 30, 2014

1. Who can apply for the project

The fishing vessel owner, who has a valid special permit (license) for commercial fisheries and the vessel is fishing in the Baltic Sea (Gulf of Riga) behind the coast or coastal waters or the high seas.

2. Activities that are supported

Improvement of safety conditions on board fishing vessels:

  • Purchase and installation of new communication and navigation equipment, including acquisition of specialized computer software and hardware;
  • Purchase of a new rescue equipment and installation and improvement of fire protection systems;

Hygiene, working condition and improvement of quality for fishery products on board of fishing vessels:

  • Purchase and installation of new hygiene and sanitation equipment;
  • Furnishing and reconstruction of manufacturing, household and sanitary premises, including reconstruction of the board and the hull of a fishing vessel;
  • Purchase of equipment associated with fish storage and processing;
  • Acquisition and installation of a new auxiliary engine;
  • Purchase and installation of new parts for the main engine for parts needed to be replaced;
  • Purchase and installation of new cargo lifting equipment;

Investment in modernization and new equipment:

  • What is needed to keep the catch that is no longer allowed to be discarded;
  • As part of projects related to the new technical measures for the preparation or trial for a limited period of time established by statutory of the European Union;
  • To reduce the impact of fishing on the ecosystem;
  • Catch and gear protection against predators and exchange of fishing gear parts;

Investment in new selective fishing gear

Replacement of separate fishing vessel's main engine (purchase and installation of a new main engine) General expenses (including architects, engineers and consultants, legal services, feasibility studies, patents and licenses receiving costs) directly related to project preparation and implementation.

3. Amount of support

The maximum eligible costs are calculated individually for every fishing vessel in accordance with the gross tonnage of the vessel.

For safety, working condition, hygiene, improving product quality and on-board investment in selective fishing gear

60% of the eligible costs of a fishing vessel with an overall length of less than 12 meters and for those that are not using towed gear;

40% of the eligible cost for other fishing vessels.

For the fishing vessel's main engine replacement

40% of the eligible costs of a fishing vessel with an overall length of less than 12 meters and for those that are not using towed gear;

20% of the eligible cost of other fishing vessels with a length of up to 24 meters.

Public benefit project – project on which the aim is not commercial in nature and can’t be classified as State aid. For the results in public benefit projects no charges should be asked.


  1. Improvement of local areas, including nature and cultural sites to improve service availability, quality and reach;
  2. Diversification of public activities (including training and interest clubs, social care homes, cultural, environmental, sports and other leisure activities);


  • Legal entity (including NGO/foundation) or a natural person implementing public benefit project (turnover up to 70 000 EUR per year);


  • Up to 50 000 EUR.



  • new asset acquisitionж
  • construction costs;
  • construction materials;
  • improvement of territory;
  • training costs;
  • costs related to public relations necessary for improvement of the potential and attractiveness of the location and do not exceed 10 per cent of the projects total eligible costs;
  • general costs;
  • value added tax, if it can’t be recovered from the state budget.


For free expert advice +371 27089866

Public benefit project – project on which the aim is not commercial in nature and can’t be classified as State aid. For the results in public benefit projects no charges should be asked.


  1. Improvement of local areas, including nature and cultural sites to improve service availability, quality and reach;
  2. Diversification of public activities (including training and interest clubs, social care homes, cultural, environmental, sports and other leisure activities);


  • Legal entity (including NGO/foundation) or a natural person implementing public benefit project (turnover up to 70 000 EUR per year);


  • Up to 50 000 EUR.



  • new asset acquisition;
  • construction costs;
  • construction materials;
  • improvement of territory;
  • training costs;
  • costs related to public relations necessary for improvement of the potential and attractiveness of the location and do not exceed 10 per cent of the projects total eligible costs;
  • general costs;
  • value added tax, if it can’t be recovered from the state budget.


Development of the project applications announced by the association „Daugavpils un Ilūkstes novadu partnerība „Kaimiņi”” in the territories of Daugavpils, Ilukste municipalities, Subate town and rural area, excluding Daugavpils town

The association „Daugavpils un Ilūkstes novadu partnerība „Kaimiņi”” is announcing the preparation of the open tender projects and the acceptance of applications according to the 4 October 2011 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 783 “The procedure in which state and European Union support for rural development and fisheries sector is granted within the activity “Regional development strategy implementation””.

Activity purpose:

To diversify tourism services that provide value added to local production in fisheries dependent areas.

Expected solutions:

  • Creating and equipping tourist information centers;
  • Improvement of tourism objects and territory;
  • Creation of tourism related inventory and equipment rental points;
  • Activities in protected areas with water resources, which are implemented in accordance with rules of natural areas protection plans (ex. Nature Park „Dvietes paliene”, ‘Daugavas loki”);
  • Diversification of tourism and recreation activities in public watercourse nearby large towns ( eg Ambeļi, Demene, Medumi, Silene, Subate, Višķi );
  • Other solutions that meet the objectives and comply with the regulations.


Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 50%

Programme open until 26.08.2013

The objective of implementation of the EU supporting actions lies in the promotion of efficient use of energy resources, reducing energy consumption and switching to renewable energy resources in manufacturing sector.


Micro, small, middle and large economic operators, who are engaged in manufacturing sector.

Eligible activities and costs:

  • Works on conversion or renovation for the improvement of energy performance of buildings;
  • Existing manufacturing machinery for the enhancement of energy efficiency, providing for the improvement or replacement thereof;
  • Renovation, reconstruction or development of building utility systems;
  • Investments in the use of renewable energy sources;
  • As well as procurement of project technical documentation and project management.

The minimum amount of public funding per one project application is EUR 50 000 and maximum – EUR 600 000.

The maximum allowable amount of eligible costs per one project is EUR 2 000 000.

The maximum allowed funding intensity of the project total eligible costs is 30%.

Project application filing period: November - December 2016.

For free expert advice +371 26557422

We issue long-term loans for purchase of profitable production companies throughout Latvia. If necessary, we provide audit and business valuation. We offer all necessary legal services for structuring the deal and free advice for possibilities to attract EU funding promoting the growth of your business. We can attract strategic investors if necessary.

European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund provides the following priority directions:

  1. Research, technological development and innovation" (total funding, which includes both the support of the EU and national funding is 550.023 million Euros)
  2. The availability of ICT, e-government, and services" (203.275 million Euros), for the direction of "Small and Medium Enterprises Competitiveness" (348.46 million Euros)
  3. The transition to a low carbon economy in all sectors" (336.876 million Euros from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and 228.549 million Euros from the Cohesion Fund)
  4. Environmental protection and efficient use of resources "(509.314 million. Euros from 223.692 million Euros of ERDF and Cohesion Fund)
  5. Sustainable transport" (ERDF 277.032 million. Euros and cohesion funding 1,087 billion)
  6. Employment and labor mobility "(188.32 million. Euros)," Social inclusion and combating poverty "(ERDF 227.503 million. Euros and the European Social Fund 264.895 million. Euros)
  7. Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning" (ERDF funds for this purpose at 326.424 million. Euros from the European Social Fund - 280.589 million. Euros).

Operational program of the European Union fund investment principles and results to be achieved.

To begin the selection of project applications for the new programming period, eligible activities, by Operational Programme approved by the European Commission will be adopted at national level legislative basis, including the Cabinet of Ministers issued regulations specific support each objective.

Possibility to receive 100 % of necessary funding for the construction of the facilities which have received EU support.

We consult and organize company registration in prestigious foreign jurisdictions and bank account opening.

INVEX FONDI will provide advice and recommendations to their partners – company registrars, for company registration in the following prestigious foreign jurisdictions:
  • Canada;
  • England;
  • Scotland;
  • USA;
  • Singapore;
  • Cyprus.
We provide company registration in most stabile tax-free (offshore) jurisdictions:
  • Belize;
  • British Virgine Islands;
  • Hong Kong;
  • Panama;
  • Nevis;
  • Costa Rica;
  • Dominica.
Registering such company we ensure its further maintenance and preparation and submission of financial reports.
INVEX FONDI will advise on bank account opening possibilities for such companies, as well as provide its recommendations to the bank where the Client – the company owner as decided to start bank account opening procedures. 
Using of foreign companies in business organization is generally a legitimate tool for increasing of efficiency of commerce.

 For free consultation please call +371 26557422

Cross-border Cooperation Programme for 2014 – 2020

Currently, work is ongoing for regulatory basis development to cross-border cooperation program. Cross-border Cooperation Programme is financed by the European Regional Development Fund. Cross-border cooperation programs differ from available European Structural Funds inside a State in that:

  1. Projects are required to be implemented in collaboration with partners. For example, the Estonian - Latvian project must have two partners - one from Estonia, the other one from Latvian side. The partnership is built according to the participating states of the cross-border program;
  2. Cross-border cooperation projects allow the implementation of projects on a larger scale and to expand its activities at the international level;
  3. For cross-border cooperation projects the official language is English.

Given the above and previous operational experience to be able to participate and to implement a high-quality cross-border cooperation project, they need to be prepared early and thoroughly. Provisionally, it is estimated that the first project tenders will be launched in the 1st quarter of 2015.

So to inform you that according to the National and Regional Development Ministry data for 2014 - 2020 programming period the following cross-border cooperation programs are intended:

Estonian - Latvian (EE - LV) cross-border cooperation program.

The Central Baltic sea area Programme (CB)

Latvian - Lithuanian Cooperation Programme (Lat - Lit).

Funding for international trade operations starting from 50 000 EUR

INVEX FONDI ® offers bank financing for transactions with various product groups, which have a wide target market and forecast of liquidity.

Bank finances

  1. purchase of goods for export;
  2. goods in stock;
  3. goods during transportation;
  4. deferred payment for the goods supplied.

Conditions for financing each specific project are individual. Allocation of funding depends on the specifics of the project. We offer solutions to reduce currency risks.

Basic conditions for financing of trade:

  • The recommended amount of credit: EUR 500 000;
  • Loan period 3 - 12 months;
  • Interest rate: 7% * per annum;
  • Funding amount: 50 - 90% * of the commercial value.

*depending on the risk assessment

Priority products and product groups:

  • metals;
  • cotton;
  • sugar;
  • petro chemistry;
  • wheat and other grains;
  • mineral fertilizers;
  • coal;
  • deep-frozen foods (meat, fish, poultry).
  1. Financing the goods intended for export

    Client enters into a contract for acquisition of goods. If the contract provides for an advanced payment to the supplier, then the granting bank provides prepayment after receiving of Bank guarantee for repayment of prepayment after contract our reception for letter of credit from coherent Bank.

  2. Financing of goods in warehouse

    Client makes a purchase of goods and by an agreement with the Bank places them in a warehouse. Bank provides funding after receiving of conformation that the purchased goods are placed in the warehouse. Warehouse provides storage of goods for client, thus ensuring interests of Bank.

  3. Financing of goods during transportation

    Client makes acquisition of goods and ensures their dispatch. Bank ensures funding for client after receiving transport order, indicating shipment of goods (bills of lading, consignment notes).
    Granted funds must be repaid to the Bank after delivery of goods or before receiving the goods from warehouse if the goods are held in a customs warehouse with whom there was a previous agreement about it.

  4. Financing of deferred payment

    Client makes delivery of goods in agreement of contract that stipulates a deferred payment. Bank ensures funds for Client for the delivered goods for the time of deferred payment.
    Buyer's payment obligations are confirmed by guarantee or letter of credit from a coherent bank, as well as the risk of default by the purchaser could be insured by specialized insurer.
    Financing of deferred payment depends on each individual case and could be executed as factoring or line of credit.

The main requirements for the client (the borrower) and the parameters of the transaction to be financed:

  • Clients experience in trading of goods at least 1 year;
  • The client is financially stable;
  • Clients participation of financing the goods – 10 – 50%;
  • The goods are liquid and are valid for at least 12 months;
  • Organized control of the purchased goods from forwarders, monitors and warehouses.

Download the application form

Project applicants: All companies registered in Latvia

Project applicant has to justify that he will export at least 30% of the manufactured products or services( on average over the next three calendar years following the project completition).

Supported activities: Purchase of equipment related to business start-up or existing business expansion, product diversification into new products or fundamental change of production process.*

Eligible costs: new machinery and equipment purchase costs which directly provides production or service process in the project implementation sector.

Supported sectors (classification according to NACE classification ):

  • Manufacturing (C), except certain sectors**
  • Transportation and Logistics (H49-52) and associated sectors (H53);
  • Information and Communication Technologies (J61-62) and related industries (J58, J63);
  • Health Care (Q86-88).

The minimum EU eligible costs: 100 000 Ls

EU CO-FUNDING: 45% of eligible costs

The maximum amount of funding per project: 900 000 Ls

Deadline for project submission: 02.09-30.11.2013

*To receive this support you must fulfill certain qualifying conditions (added value per 1 employee).

**Certain steel subsectors, manufacturing of synthetic fibers, shipbuilding, tobacco, alcoholic beverages, beer production, weapons and ammunition.

From January 6, 2014, we are starting financing of businesses with investor participation.

To open investment attraction questioner, click here

INVEX FONDI from February 2014, is offering investor funding for each project up to 3 000 000 EUR for energy projects in Latvian territory.

Sectors of project implementation:

  • CHP
  • Hydro power plants;
  • Wind farms;

Other relevant sectors and projects using renewable energy resources.

14 228,72 EUR loan for business start-ups

  • Financial participation from owner is not required up to EUR 7 114,36;
  • Financial participation of 10% is required above EUR 7 114,36;
  • Loan term is up to 5 years;
  • Fixed interest rate if 5-8%, variable rate 0-3% + 6 months RIGIBOR;
  • Current assets may not exceed EUR 7 114,36 of project total costs;
  • this loan shall not be issued for fisheries and aquaculture.

We offer to lend to business whose owners are no residents of the European Union (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, etc.) Loans are available for long-term investments in business development up to 500 000 EUR with a maturity of up to 15 years, as well as working capital with a repayment term of up to 5 years.

We are financing farms, producers and processors of agricultural products. Loans are granted for the purchase of land and equipment, construction and reconstruction.

We provide project development for receiving EU co-funding for open calls of proposals.

Up to 2 845 743,62 EUR loan for the purchase of equipment or construction works

Loans for manufacturers – up to EUR 426 861,54; farmers – up to 2 845 743,62 EUR.

  • Financial participation for manufacturers are at least 25%, farmers do not need to participate if the pledge is good;
  • a variable interest rate of 3% plus the sixth month EURIBOR or RIGIBOR;
  • Loan term is up to 10 years;
  • Ability to postpone payments of principal up to 2 years;

Loan for services is up to EUR 42 686,15.

For additional pledge you can use LAF issued warranties of 50-80% of the cost of the project for an additional fee of 1,5% commission.

Loan of up to 2 845 743,62 EUR for current assets for farmers.

  • no participation required from farmers, only pledge;
  • fixed interest rate of 6% in EUR;
  • Loan term up to 15 months;

In addition you can use LAF guarantee.

Loan of up to EUR 426 861,54 for purchase of agricultural lands

  • participation is not required;
  • the loan is intended only to farmers whose income is at least EUR 284,57 per hectare, excluding EU support and aid, with exception of „Agrovide” and its sub programm support.
  • forests, ponds and other facilities should take no more than 20% of the total purchased land;
  • if there is a building on purchased land its value shall not exceed more than 30% of the cadastral value;
  • loan term up to 20 years;

Loan for large manufacturers: up to 1 422 871,811 EUR for investments, 711 435,91 EUR for current assets

  • at least 25% participation is required from manufacturers;
  • variable interest rate;
  • the ability to postpone payments of principal up to 2 years;
  • pledge is required, LGA guarantee is also valid;
  • Loan term is up to 10 years for investment loans, 5 years for current asset loans.

Project applicants: Companies that produce unprocessed agricultural products, except of fishery products, breeding of animals that are not covered in Pedigree and animal breeding law.

Supported activities:

  • Forage harvesting equipment purchases;
  • Purchase of milk coolers;
  • Construction of manure storage facilities;
  • Construction of slaughterhouses.

The maximum amount of funding per project: 210 000 Ls

EU CO-FUNDING is calculated separately for each applicant and project:

  • 25% for forage equipment and the purchase of milk coolers (+5%, if the applicant is under 40 years of age);
  • 40% for construction (+10% if the building is in less developed regions, +5% if the applicant is under 40 years of age).

Deadline for project submission: 17.09.2013

Action "Support for investments in agricultural holdings"

Who can apply for project:

  • agricultural holding - a legal or natural person who produced agricultural products in last concluded year;
  • a natural person who is planning to start a farm or get merchant status or legal person who is planning to launch production of agricultural products;
  • appropriate agricultural services co-operative society, which has received the status of compliance in accordance with the laws and regulations on farmers' unions and forestry unions in the conformity assessment.

Eligible actions and costs:

  • investment in the new equipment, machinery, equipment, information technologies and software supply and installation intended for unprocessed agricultural products, and associated packaging and pre-treatment, as well as the permanent fruit-growing crops (excluding strawberries) plants for the purchase of planting support system, fence fencing support for the purchase, installation and plantations;
  • unprocessed agricultural products, the associated packaging and pre-treatment for new construction of buildings, refurbishing existing buildings on the basis of contracts with third parties responsible for the execution of works and the necessary construction of new acquisitions.


Programming period one applicant for aid for sub-total eligible costs amount to more than 2 000 000 EUR within the limits of the applicant's average revenue from agricultural production and processing agreements concluded in the last two years before the project application is submitted more than:

  • times, if the applicant for aid is implementing the project of construction activity;
  • three times if the applicant for aid shall invest in the new equipment, machinery, equipment, information technologies and software supply and installation intended for unprocessed agricultural products, and associated packaging and pre-treatment, as well as the permanent fruit-growing crops (excluding strawberries) for the purchase of seedlings, planting support system, fence, fence support for the purchase, installation and plantations, but not exceeding EUR 700 000 over the whole programming period.

This condition does not apply to applicants if the total eligible costs of the supported programming period is less than 150 000 EUR.

In one project proposal may include "Support for investment in agricultural holdings" and "Aid for investment in the processing" a number of activities.

Aid intensity:

Agricultural holdings:

  • the construction of buildings, conversion of perennial plantations - 40%;
  • purchase of agricultural tractors – 20% - 40%;
  • For trailers, implements, tractor (excluding agricultural tractors)– 30% -40%

Cooperative societies:

  • buildings for construction, reconstruction and purchase of specialized transport – 40%
  • For trailers, implements, tractor (excluding agricultural tractors)– 25%

The aid intensity of construction projects (with the exception of co-operative societies) increase by 10% if:

  • project is being implemented in the livestock sector, where grown herbivores;
  • project is implemented in the Rules Nr.600 11.2.1.apakšpunktā to achieve that objective (project energy efficiency ratio reduced by at least 20%).
    The maximum aid intensity is 50% of eligible costs.

Scheduled to open in 2016 in the I quarter.

Business knows no boundaries and to build a successful cooperation with foreign partners, mutual visits to one or another partner’s country is mutually necessary. LLC "INVEX FONDI" offers their services to foreign nationals to receive residence permits (RP) within the European Union (EU). Foreign citizens have the right to choose in which of the EU Member States to obtain the residence permit.

Residence permit for EU countries for a resident outside the Schengen area, gives a right to reside in selected EU Member State for residence permit validity period. In other EU Member States with the residence permit they may stay 92 days in a year.

Benefits for residential permits for a foreign citizen:

  • The possibility 92 days each year to have unrestricted access to the territory of the countries that have signed the Schengen Convention. The right to reside for an unlimited number of days and time in the specific EU Member State in which the residence permit was obtained;
  • Ease of procedure for obtaining and significantly more likely to get a visa for immigration to Australia, UK, USA and Canada;
  • The ability to buy a vehicle without customs clearance and use it within the EU and beyond;
  • The ability to open accounts in banks of EU Member States;
  • The ability to qualify for social security;
  • EU education provision for children of foreign nationals who have received residence permits and study in another EU Member State;
  • The ability to receive medical care;
  • The ability to qualify for a permanent residence permit and later on for an EU Member State citizenship;
  • Be able to get all EU resident and citizen rights, except the right to vote.

In order to obtain a residence permit, LLC "INVEX FONDI" recommends the use of business start-up method.

For this purpose it is intended to use the possibility of business migration, which means that, when a foreign national receives residence permit for one year, due to the formation of individual entrepreneur (IE) or a limited liability company (LLC), there is the possibility to extend it every year as long as this commercial company (merchant) is existing.

LLC "INVEX FONDI" is providing services and consultations throughout the process of obtaining a temporary residence permit:

  • Establishment of a legal person;
  • Formation of documents for submission to the EU Member States Citizenship and Migration Department;
  • Further consultations for receiving and extending RP.

If necessary, LLC "INVEX FONDI" will send an invitation to foreign national to obtain visa so that this person could be able to enter the EU for the first time.

Order if the customer submits the documents at the consulate or embassy in his/her country.

Person who is applying for a temporary residence permit must submit a notarized power of attorney that grants the rights for LLC "INVEX FUNDS", on behalf of client, to establish a limited liability company or individual entrepreneur in an EU Member State.

The foreign national must obtain a bank statement proving the existence of necessary funds - not less than EUR 3 `500.00 respectively.

After the registration of IE or LLC in a Member State of the EU, we will send the client prepared documents that shall be submitted to the EU Member States consulate or embassy to apply for a temporary residence permit.

At the time of application the passport validity period of the applicant shall not be less than 3 months.

The applicant must pay a fee in embassy (consulate) of EUR 100.00. As long as the request for temporary residence permit will be under consideration the foreign national has the right to obtain multi visa allowing to visit all EU Member States.

The period of receiving temporary residence permit is 2 months after submitting of all necessary documents.

You will not be able to obtain a temporary residence permit if you are on Interpol list or have provided false information to the questionnaire.

After forming of temporary residence permit the foreign national will be notified by e-mail and will be invited to EU Member State Citizenship and Migration Department. In the presence of representative of LLC"INVEX FONDI” at the Citizenship and Migration Department all the necessary documents will be signed, and after one week, but no later than in 2 months, the applicant should take out the temporary residence permit. For those missing the 2-month deadline the above mentioned procedure must be repeated.

3 months before the expiration of temporary residence permit, we will contact the relevant foreign client to arrange the submission of documents for renewing it.

IMPORTANT! In order to not lose the right to stay in the EU, the applicant must at least once in half a year enter the EU or the Schengen area.

Five years after receiving a residence permit, the foreign national will be eligible for a permanent residence permit. In turn, after ten years, a person can apply for citizenship of an EU Member State, while also becoming an EU citizen.

Order if the customer submits the documents in the European Union Member State.

To receive a temporary residence permit in EU Member State following conditions must be met:

  1. Establish a company (LLC) or sole proprietorship to obtain individual entrepreneur (IE) status in the EU Member State.
  2. After IE or LLC registration LLC "INVEX FONDI" will prepare a full package of documents necessary for receiving temporary residence permit. The foreign citizen together with us will attend an EU Member State Citizenship and Migration department for signing the relevant documents. The formation of necessary documents for receiving temporary residence permit will be prepared within 1 business day.
  3. Other terms do not differ from the ones that are required if applying through consulate or embassy.

Information about receiving temporary residence permit for the foreign national spouse and children

In order to receive a temporary residence permit, you must select one of the following options:

  1. Each spouse should established their own LLC or IE. In this case, without further conditions, temporary residence permits will be granted to the children as well.
  2. If one of the spouses has a temporary residence permit in force continuously for more than two years, the spouse is entitled to invite their spouse and children to the EU. In this case, without further conditions, temporary residence permits will be granted to these family members.
  3. The children who have received a temporary residence permit must attend an EU Member State school or minority school.

If a foreign national has received a temporary residence permit for monitoring their business, but plans to mostly live outside the EU and the Schengen area, then the children do not need a temporary residence permit and are not required to attend an EU Member State school. In this case, the children can receive a multi visa for traveling inside the EU.

Development of the project applications announced by the association Partnerība Daugavkrasts in the territories of Ķekava and Daugmales civil parishes and Baloži town

The association Partnerība Daugavkrasts is announcing the preparation of the open tender projects and the acceptance of applications according to the 4 October 2011 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 764 “The procedure in which state and European Union support for rural development is granted within the activity “Facilitation of competitiveness in the territory of local development strategy implementation” and “Diversification of the rural economy and the facilitation of quality of life in the territory of local development strategy implementation”": “Facilitation of the transfer of crafts, unconventional agriculture and non-agricultural entrepreneurship kinds of skills to interested parties, development of creative workshops and availability of demonstrations; the development of social care and health protection infrastructure elements and their availability; the facilitation of healthy ways of spending leisure time” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 20,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 40% (for associations 10%) “Developing collective public activities of the population, facilitating the strengthening of the administrative capacity of non-governmental organisations” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 20,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 40% (for associations 10%) “Protecting, tidying and using natural and cultural heritage; improving the quality of environmental protection activities” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 20,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 40% (for associations 10%) “Support for the production and preliminary treatment of agricultural products as well as the purchase of perennial cultivated fruit plant sprouts, the purchase and erection of plantation support systems, fences and fence supports and plantation arrangement; support for agricultural product processing and preliminary treatment in home conditions” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 20,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 50% Programme open until 30.08.2013.

Development of the project applications announced by the association Ziemeļkurzemes biznesa asociācija in the territories of Dundagas, Īves, Kolkas, Lubes, Valdgales, Ances, Popes, Puzes, Tārgales, Ugāles, Usmas civil parishes

The association Ziemeļkurzemes biznesa asociācija is announcing the preparation of the open tender projects and the acceptance of applications according to the 4 October 2011 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 764 “The procedure in which state and European Union support for rural development is granted within the activity “Facilitation of competitiveness in the territory of local development strategy implementation” and “Diversification of the rural economy and the facilitation of quality of life in the territory of local development strategy implementation”": “Production and preliminary treatment of agricultural products” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 20,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 50% “Processing and preliminary treatment of agricultural products in home conditions” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 20,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 50% Programme open until 30.08.2013.

Development of the project applications announced by the association Īģes lauku partnerība in the Aloja and Staicele rural territories, and in Braslavas and Brīvzemnieku civil parishes

The association Īģes lauku partnerība is announcing the preparation of the open tender projects and the acceptance of applications according to the 4 October 2011 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 764 “The procedure in which state and European Union support for rural development is granted within the activity “Facilitation of competitiveness in the territory of local development strategy implementation” and “Diversification of the rural economy and the facilitation of quality of life in the territory of local development strategy implementation”: “Production, preliminary treatment and processing of agricultural products in home conditions”" EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 5,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 50% Programme open until 22.08.2013.

Development of the project applications announced by the association Krāslavas rajona partnerība in the territory of Krāslavas municipality

The association Krāslavas rajona partnerība is announcing the preparation of the open tender projects and the acceptance of applications according to the 4 October 2011 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 764 “The procedure in which state and European Union support for rural development is granted within the activity “Facilitation of competitiveness in the territory of local development strategy implementation” and “Diversification of the rural economy and the facilitation of quality of life in the territory of local development strategy implementation”": “Processing and preliminary treatment of agricultural products” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 20,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 50% “Processing and preliminary treatment of agricultural products in home conditions” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 12,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 50% “Improvement of service quality and accessibility to the local population” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 5,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 40% (for associations 10%) Programme open until 05.09.2013.

Development of the project applications announced by the association Daugavpils un Ilūkstes novadu partnerība “Kaimiņi” in the territories of Daugavpils and Ilūkstes municipalities, in Subate with a rural territory

The association Daugavpils un Ilūkstes novadu partnerība “Kaimiņi” is announcing the preparation of the open tender projects and the acceptance of applications according to the 4 October 2011 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 764 “The procedure in which state and European Union support for rural development is granted within the activity “Facilitation of competitiveness in the territory of local development strategy implementation” and “Diversification of the rural economy and the facilitation of quality of life in the territory of local development strategy implementation”": “Development of consumer services for improving the quality of life of the rural population” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 19,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 40% (for associations 10%) “Social and educational services for improving the quality of life of the rural population” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 15,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 40% (for associations 10%) “Support for leisure time diversification that improves the quality of life of the rural population” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 15,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 40% (for associations 10%) “Maintaining and perfecting traditions for the sustainable use of natural and cultural resources” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 20,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 40% (for associations 10%) “Diversification of the assortment of local products with added value” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 10,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 50% Programme open until 26.08.2013.

Development of the project applications announced by the association Abulas lauku partnerība in the Smiltene and Smiltenes municipality

The association Abulas lauku partnerība is announcing preparation of the open tender projects and the acceptance of applications according to the 4 October 2011 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 764 “The procedure in which state and European Union support for rural development is granted within the activity “Facilitation of competitiveness in the territory of local development strategy implementation” and “Diversification of the rural economy and the facilitation of quality of life in the territory of local development strategy implementation”: “Production, preliminary treatment and processing of agricultural products in home conditions”" EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 20,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 50% Projects accepted until 12.09.2013

Development of the project applications announced by the association Alūksnes lauku partnerība in the Alūksnes municipality and in Ape with a rural territory

The association Alūksnes lauku partnerība is announcing the preparation of the open tender projects and the acceptance of applications according to the 4 October 2011 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 764 “The procedure in which state and European Union support for rural development is granted within the activity “Facilitation of competitiveness in the territory of local development strategy implementation” and “Diversification of the rural economy and the facilitation of quality of life in the territory of local development strategy implementation”: “Facilitation of the production, preliminary treatment and processing of agricultural products” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 20,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 50% Projects accepted until 02.09.2013

Development of the project applications announced by the association Zied zeme in the territories of Ogres, Ikšķiles, Ķeguma, Lielvārdes municipalities

The association Zied zeme is announcing the preparation of the open tender projects and the acceptance of applications according to the 4 October 2011 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 764 “The procedure in which state and European Union support for rural development is granted within the activity “Facilitation of competitiveness in the territory of local development strategy implementation” and “Diversification of the rural economy and the facilitation of quality of life in the territory of local development strategy implementation”": “Development of infrastructure for the diversification of public activities” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 20,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 40% (for associations 10%) “Diversification of public activities for the local population” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 10,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 40% (for associations 10%) “Support for employment facilitation and service diversification (except the sector related to fishery)” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 20,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 40% (for associations 10%) “Support for the development of home production” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 20,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 50% Projects accepted until 02.08.2013

Development of the project applications announced by the association Gaujas Partnerība in the territory of Ādažu municipality

The association Gaujas Partnerība is announcing the preparation of the open tender projects and the acceptance of applications according to the 4 October 2011 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 764 “The procedure in which state and European Union support for rural development is granted within the activity “Facilitation of competitiveness in the territory of local development strategy implementation” and “Diversification of the rural economy and the facilitation of quality of life in the territory of local development strategy implementation”: “Support for the training and educating of the population and the mastering of new skills as well as for the availability of material resources required for mastering cultural education for all people irrespective of their abilities, needs and social, physical and mental condition”" EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 6,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 40% (for associations 10%) “Support for the production and preliminary treatment of agricultural products as well as the purchase of perennial cultivated fruit plant sprouts, the purchase and erection of plantation support systems, fences and fence supports and plantation arrangement” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 13,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 50% “Support for the processing and preliminary treatment of agricultural products in home conditions” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 6,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 50% Projects accepted until 26.07.2013

Development of the project applications announced by the association Pierīgas partnerība in the territories of Olaine town, Babītes, Mārupes, Olaines, Salas civil parishes

The association Pierīgas partnerība is announcing the preparation of the open tender projects and the acceptance of applications according to the 4 October 2011 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 764 “The procedure in which state and European Union support for rural development is granted within the activity “Facilitation of competitiveness in the territory of local development strategy implementation” and “Diversification of the rural economy and the facilitation of quality of life in the territory of local development strategy implementation””: “Support for service availability, quality and accessibility to the local population” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 20,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 40% (for associations 10%) “Support for the diversification of public activities for the local population” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 20,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 40% (for associations 10%) “Support for the processing and preliminary treatment of agricultural products in home conditions, including packaging of the produced products, and support for the production and preliminary treatment of agricultural products, including packaging of the produced products, as well as the purchase of perennial cultivated fruit plant sprouts (except strawberries), the purchase and erection of plantation support systems, fences and fence supports and plantation arrangement” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 20,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 50% “Support for tourism and fishery development” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 20,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 40% (for associations 10%) Projects accepted until 12.08.2013

Development of the project applications announced by the association Ropažu partnerība in the Ropažu municipality

The association Ropažu partnerība is announcing the preparation of the open tender projects and the acceptance of applications according to the 4 October 2011 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 764 “The procedure in which state and European Union support for rural development is granted within the activity “Facilitation of competitiveness in the territory of local development strategy implementation” and “Diversification of the rural economy and the facilitation of quality of life in the territory of local development strategy implementation””: “Support for the production and preliminary treatment of agricultural products as well as the purchase of perennial cultivated fruit plant sprouts, the purchase and erection of plantation support systems, fences and fence supports and plantation arrangement” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 3,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 50% “Support for the processing and preliminary treatment of agricultural products in home conditions” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 3,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 50% “Support for activities and initiatives of the local territory population (in the field of sports, culture, leisure time, entertainment)” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 5,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 40% (for associations 10%) “Diversification and perfection of existing social, public and consumer services, the development of new services, improving their availability” EU ELIGIBLE COSTS 5,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals up to 40% (for associations 10%) Projects accepted until 15.07.2013

Development of the project applications announced by the association Stopiņu un Salaspils partnerība in the Salaspils and Stopiņu municipality

The association Stopiņu un Salaspils partnerība is announcing the preparation of the open tender projects and the acceptance of applications according to the 4 October 2011 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 764 “The procedure in which state and European Union support for rural development is granted within the activity “Facilitation of competitiveness in the territory of local development strategy implementation” and “Diversification of the rural economy and the facilitation of quality of life in the territory of local development strategy implementation””: “The production, preliminary treatment and processing of agricultural products” EU FUNDING 20,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals 50% Projects accepted until 09.09.2013

Development of the project applications announced by the association Partnerība “Zaļā vārna” in the Garkalnes municipality

The association Partnerība “Zaļā vārna” is announcing the preparation of the open tender projects and the acceptance of applications according to the 4 October 2011 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 764 “The procedure in which state and European Union support for rural development is granted within the activity “Facilitation of competitiveness in the territory of local development strategy implementation” and “Diversification of the rural economy and the facilitation of quality of life in the territory of local development strategy implementation””: “Development of the sports, cultural, educational, recreational and other kinds of activities and places for spending leisure time, including the provision of the required infrastructure, territory arrangement and involvement of all groups of the population” EU FUNDING 8,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals 40% (for associations 10%) “Support for the production and preliminary treatment of agricultural products as well as the purchase of perennial cultivated fruit plant sprouts, the purchase and erection of plantation support systems, fences and fence supports and plantation arrangement” EU FUNDING 10,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals 50% “Support for the processing and preliminary treatment of agricultural products in home conditions” EU FUNDING 10,000 LVL Co-financing: For legal entities or individuals 50% Projects accepted until 05.07.2013

Development of the project applications announced by the association „Pierigas biedriba” in the cities of Olaine, Babīte, Mārupe and the rural territories of Olaine.

„Support for development of tourism and fishery sector”

EU eligible costs: 20 000 LVL

Co-financing for legal entities or individuals up to 40%. 10% for associations.

Development of the project applications announced by the association „Rezeknes rajona kopienu partneriba” in the cities and rural territories of Rezekne and Vilani.

„Support for development of tourism and fishery sector”

EU eligible costs: 20 000 LVL

Co-financing for legal entities or individuals up to 40%. 10% for associations.

Programme open until 09.01.2014

Development of the project applications announced by the association „Lauku partneriba UPE 8” in the cities and rural territories of Degole, Džuta, Jaunpils, Jaunsāti, Lestene, Tume and Viesate.

“Development of culture and sports infrastructure by setting up and making available new sports and culture objects”

EU eligible costs: 20 000 LVL

Co-financing for legal entities or individuals up to 40%. 10% for associations.

Programme open until 09.01.2014

Development of the project applications announced by the association „Talsu rajona partnerība” in the cities and rural territories of Talsi, Valdemārpils and Sabile.

“Support for fishery and tourism sector”

EU eligible costs: 20 000 LVL

Co-financing for legal entities or individuals up to 40%. 10% for associations.

Programme open until 09.01.2014

Invex Fondi in cooperation with the German company VIVAT Multitalent AG offers its customers the opportunity to receive funding for their project development in Latvian.

Our partner will consider offers to invest in manufacturing companies with a high investment rate of return, for acquisition of fixed assets, possibly used or for modernization of existing fixed, as well as offering financing for development of supported EU structural fund projects.

The available amount of investment per project from 100 000 – 1 000 000 EUR.

The maximum duration of the investment up to 3 years.

For free consultation please call +371 26557422

Projektu izstrāde un pieteikumu sagatavošana biedrības „SATEKA” izsludinātajā pieteikumu sestajā kārtā projektu iesniegumu pieņemšanas pasākumā„Konkurētspējas veicināšana vietējo attīstības stratēģiju īstenošanas teritorijā” un pasākumā „Lauku ekonomikas dažādošana un dzīves kvalitātes veicināšana vietējo attīstības stratēģiju īstenošanas teritorijā” atbilstoši Ministru kabineta 2011. gada 4.oktobra noteikumiem Nr.764 „Kārtība, kādā piešķir valsts un Eiropas Savienības atbalstu lauku attīstībai pasākumā „Konkurētspējas veicināšana vietējo attīstības stratēģiju īstenošanas teritorijā” un pasākumā „Lauku ekonomikas dažādošana un dzīves kvalitātes veicināšana vietējo attīstības stratēģiju īstenošanas teritorijā””.

International company offers a turnkey rabbit breeding business :

Mini farm construction features:

  • Made of ecologically sound material with a lifetime term of not less than 5 years;
  • Easily assembled on site;
  • Equipped with electric water heaters that allow rabbits to be grown in fresh air all year round;
  • Equipped with semi-automatic drinkers and troughs with dispenser;
  • Rabbit manure is automatically collected and removed out of the cage insuring both cleanliness and odor prevention;;
  • Simplicity of operation and maintenance: once a week is enough to empty the container.

Rabbits individualities:

  • Due to the fact, that new born rabbits are mainly feeding from dams, it is enough to vaccinate only the dams

  • Reproduction in geometric progression. In a year a rabbit dam can give birth 6 times (an average of 8 – 10 rabbits each time);

  • Compared to conventional breeding, rabbits grow 3 times as fast and reach trading weight of (4-6 kg) in 4 months.

Benefits of the end product:

  • Odor free, Ecologically pure dietary meat; thanks to technology and the natural nutrition and non-hormonal growth stimulators

  • Low actual cost;

  • Guaranteed sales at a fixed price (LVL 12 per rabbit or LVL 2 per 1 kg of live weight)..

Benefits of this business:

  • Minimum initial investment (up to LVL 10 000);

  • Analysis of bank credit and the attraction of EU structural funds co-financing;

  • The Project can be realized in the city or one farm as a secondary activity;

  • No special conditions: it is not necessary to include spaces or special qualifications to engage in this business;

  • On 100 sqm of land 16 mini farms for 400 rabbits can be installed;

  • High productivity, a mini farm provides up to 250 kg of rabbit meat per year;

  • One person can operate up to 100 mini farms;

  • The ability to pay for food after rabbits have been sold;

  • Virtually no risk, since whole business cycle is provided by suppliers;

  • Repayment term – up to 2 years.

Contact information: Eurorabbits Group Panerių 37, Vilnius, LT-03209, Lithuania Моb.: +37063615555 Skype: eurorabbits E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

When applying for co-funding from EU structural funds, scientific research that provides additional confirmation of product quality or demand for the project in the market of Latvia, EU or third countries, may be crucial for the approval of support.

We propose timely execution of research procedure in order to ensure a well-grounded substantiation for the receiving of EU support in the year of 2015 and further out.

We are financing international trade deals within EU, as well as trade deals with Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. If necessary the cargo is accompanied by our courier. Goods must be transported either by trucks or by rail freight.

Amount of transaction till EUR 50`000

Support for cultural sector. Supports up to 100%.

Financial support for projects by individuals and legal entities, that:

  • promotes cultural renewal and artistic creative process and contribute to its diversity;
  • promotes natural and legal persons in creative and research projects in the field of culture;
  • promotes education and professional development;
  • promotes development of international relations and Latvian culture and arts in the world;
  • promotes the preservation of cultural values, distribution and availability to the general public;
  • promotes development of traditional culture.

Supported sectors:

  • Literature;
  • Music and dance art;
  • Film arts;
  • Visual arts;
  • Cultural heritage;
  • Theatre arts;
  • Traditional culture;
  • Design and architecture;
  • Interdisciplinary projects (projects of different sectors of culture combined creates a qualitatively new cultural products).

Project admittance:

  • 07.04.2015. – 08.05.2015.
  • 31.08.2015. – 25.09.2015.

Free expert advice +37127089866

Possible support for forest care machinery acquisition - LVL 3,500.00;

Pre-commercial care and maintenance, which includes future tree-pruning support, around 125.00 to 180.00 LVL per 1 ha;

Replacement of low-value forest - around LVL 500.00 for 1 ha

The program is open until November 26, 2013.

Project applications to tender "Support for "green" technologies in production."


Support innovative environmental technologies, services, import and production of organizing the project tender, under which the beneficiary is provided for the following areas:

  • Purchase of new equipment and scientific research;
  • Water resources management;
  • Eco-design;
  • Renewable energy production;
  • Waste management;
  • Any products, technology or processes that contribute to the efficient use of energy;
  • New products, services or technologies in production;


  • Equipment acquisition, delivery and installation costs;
  • Publicity and awareness raising;
  • Research activities;
  • Financing of knowledge transfer.


The total project cost from EUR 380 000 to EUR 1 600 000
The minimum amount of support EUR 170 000,
The maximum amount of aid EUR 700 000,


45% of the project's eligible costs.

Project applications until 16 January 2015.

Norvēģijas finanšu grants inovatīvam idejām „zaļās” ražošanas jomā.

Project applicants: all companies registered in Latvia

Project Goal: to support innovative environmental technologies and products (including goods and services) implementation in the following fields:

  • Renewable energy production;
  • Creation of energy-efficient materials and products for building construction;
  • Clean transportation;
  • Water resource management;
  • Waste management;
  • Eco-design;
  • Any other product, technology or process improvements that contribute to the efficient use of energy, waste reduction, lower resource consumption.

Supported activities:

  • Equipment purchase and installation costs;
  • Publicity measures;
  • Research activities that ar directly related to a new product or technology implementation in the industry;
  • Knowledge transfer activities in cooperation with Norwegian partners.

Amount of funding per project:

  • Minimum – 170,000 EUR;
  • Maximum – 700,000 EUR;
  • 170,000 – 500,000 EUR – purchase of equipment;
  • 0 – 200,000 EUR – publicity, research or knowledge transfer activities.



  • Advance payment (35% of eligible costs);
  • Interim payments (up to 55% of eligible costs during 2 years of project realization);
  • Final payment (up to 10% of eligible costs).

Deadline for project submission: 29.11.2013

Objective. Improve infrastructure related to development of agriculture, increase of forest productivity, improvement of wood health and timber quality, retaining and improving forest’s long-term investment in the global carbon circulation, maintaining biodiversity and providing for reduction of climatic changes, as well as improvement of competitiveness of agriculture and forestries.

Support applicants:

  • legal entity;
  • private person;
  • farm-stead;
  • cooperatives;
  • public institutions.

Maximum attributed costs to one support applicant:

  • farm-stead, individual person performing economic activities and owning a forest, legal entity having more than 50% of private capital shares in its equity capital, municipality (also municipal company of capital performing reconstruction or restoration of common-use melioration systems of municipal importance) for reconstruction and restoration of melioration systems (both sole-owned and common-use systems), incl. for reconstruction and restoration of roads adjacent to the object of melioration – total amount of attributed costs is no more than EUR 300,000;
  • manager of melioration systems of state importance for reconstruction and restoration of melioration systems (both sole-owned and common-use systems), incl. for reconstruction and restoration of roads adjacent to the object of melioration – total amount of attributed costs is unlimited;
  • farmers for development of agricultural infrastructures (areas at production facilities, access roads) – construction, reconstruction and restoration – total amount of attributed costs is EUR 50,000;
  • cooperative company for development of agricultural infrastructures (areas at production facilities, access roads) – construction, reconstruction and restoration – total amount of attributed costs is EUR 300,000.
  • financial reserve for unforeseen expenses is attributed in case of reconstruction and restoration of state melioration systems and melioration systems of state importance – no more than up to 5% of project’s total attributed costs.

Support intensity:

  • Reconstruction and restoration of melioration systems – 60%;
  • Construction of environment-friendly melioration systems – 80%;
  • Reconstruction or restoration of melioration systems in joint projects – 70%;
  • Common-use melioration systems of municipal importance – 90%;
  • Reconstruction and restoration of melioration systems in systems of state importance – 100%;
  • Areas, access roads and similar infrastructure for cooperative companies – 40%;
  • Areas, access roads and similar infrastructure for farm-steads, incl. for new farmers – 40%.

Project submission: 21.11.2016-21.12.2016

For free expert advice +371 29646255

Objective: support farm-steads, in order to improve their economic performance and competitiveness, as well as promote cooperation development by providing for sustainable management of nature resources and supporting economy resistant to climate changes.

Funding limits:
Farm-stead EUR 2,000,000 (incl. in fixed assets EUR 700,000)
New farm-stead EUR 150,000

Supported industries

  • Crop production support;
  • Cattle-breeding support;
  • Dairy farming;
  • Cattle industry;
  • Pig-breeding industry;
  • Horse-breeding industry;
  • Sheep-breeding industry;
  • Goat-breeding industry;
  • Bee-keeping industry;
  • Other cattle-breeding industries.

Supported activities

  • Modernization;
  • Construction;
  • Purchase of equipment.

Applicants to support

  • Legal entity;
  • Private person;
  • Farm.

Project submission: 21.11.2016-21.12.2016.

Objective: improve agricultural produce processing efficiency and increase added-value of products by promoting development of competitive cooperation and sustainable agricultural production and introduction of innovations in companies.

Supported activities:

  • Investments in purchase and installation of new equipment, machinery, utilities, information technologies and software that is intended for agricultural produce processing and related packing and pre-processing;
  • construction of new structures and reconstruction of existing structures;
  • equipment of structures;
  • placement of structures;
  • restoration of structures.

Supported industries

  • Crop production support;
  • Cattle-breeding support;
  • Dairy farming;
  • Cattle industry;
  • Pig-breeding industry;
  • Horse-breeding industry;
  • Sheep-breeding industry;
  • Goat-breeding industry;
  • Bee-keeping industry;
  • Other cattle-breeding industries.

Applicants to support

  • Legal entity;
  • Farm

Project submission: 21.11.2016-21.12.2016.

Deadline for project submission

14th October 2013

Program purpose

Support for new business idea development and new business start-up

Supported sectors

Transport, tourism, manufacturing (especially: Biotechnology, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, electronics and electrical products, metal products), information and communication technology, professional scientific and technical services, education.

Supported activities

Licenses, acounting and legal services, website creation and development, staff training, specific equipment


Maximum total project costs: 10 000 LVL , CO-Funding up to 80%.

Grant scheme “Capacity building for research and activities to improve public knowledge about climate change and its consequences”

Eligible for funding:

  • Direct or indirect administrative authorities,
  • Derived public persons,
  • Non-governmental organisations or foundations registered in Latvia
  • Entrepreneurs.

The aim of the competition is to increase the target groups (with the program area - adaptation to climate change - related government departments, local authorities, scientific and educational institutions, entrepreneurs, non-governmental organisations and foundations) knowledge and capacity in program “The National Climate Policy”, to promote public participation in climate change observation and adaptation to climate change in implementation of policy measures.

Grant scheme Call for Proposals supports the following project areas:

  • measures to raise public awareness and knowledge about climate change;
  • raising awareness of climate change by developing and providing training and developing training modules and study programs;
  • organisation of educational projects and information campaigns to increase public awareness and knowledge about climate change;
  • Capacity Building, drawing on studies of climate change.


  • The total available co-funding in this grant scheme competition is 1 718 044 EUR. For one grant scheme competitions projects minimal allowed co-funding is 45 000 EUR, while the maximal co-funding in this program is 175 000 EUR.
  • Under this tender the grant scheme aid intensity of the total eligible costs should not exceed :
  • 85 % – for direct or indirect administrative authorities, derived public persons and for entrepreneurs
  • 90 % – Non-governmental organisations or foundations
  • Advance payment up to 40 % from the co-funding assigned to the project. This should be paid within 20 working days after the signing of the project contract.

Project submission deadline is September 19, 2014 at. 17:00.

Call for Proposals “Sustainable buildings, renewable energy technology and innovative emission-reducing technology development”

Eligible for funding:

  • Direct or indirect government administration authorities;
  • Non-governmental organisations or foundations;
  • Entrepreneurs.

The aim of competition is to introduce and demonstrate in Latvian Republic low carbon dioxide (hereinafter - CO2) solutions - energy-efficient technologies and solutions for sustainable buildings, renewable energy technologies for power generation and other new (innovative) technologies (including technological processes) or products (including products and services), which reduces CO2 emissions.

Within the competition the three supported project areas:

  1. implementation of energy efficiency measures and installation of renewable energy technology, construction of low-energy buildings, as well as the reconstruction of an existing building;
  2. renewable energy technologies used for heating and electricity production;
  3. innovative (new) product or technology creation, testing and demonstration, as well as the improvement of existing technologies, testing and demonstration of reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions in the non-emissions trading scheme sector.


  • It this Call for Proposal the financing for one project – minimal 175 000 EUR, maximal is 1 000 000 EUR (maximal available co-funding is differencing ny the support areas).

Intensity of the aid:

  • 65 % – micro and small enterprises;
  • 55 % – medium-sized enterprises;
  • 45 % – large enterprises;
  • 85 % – direct or indirect administrative authorities;
  • 90 % – non-governmental organisations or foundations;

Project submission deadline is October 8, 2014.

The grant program "Atspēriens" is able to provide co-financing of 80% for a variety of expenses - specific equipment and the purchase of licenses, accounting and legal adviser-payment for services, website development, specific training of employees and others.
The program is open to individuals and legal persons, with a registered office in Riga and the registration date of the applicant is no more than two calendar years.

Chance to receive up to 15 000 EUR for development of one business idea.

New businesses are invited to apply for program "Atspēriens" up to 7 April 2014.

The grant program "Atspēriens" is able to provide co-financing of 80% per cent for various expenses.

For competition, according to the regulations, may apply individuals or businesses registered in Riga for no more than two full years. The priority directions of support are transport and storage, tourism and related industries, manufacturing (especially: computer, electronic and optical products, metal products, wood and cork products, food products and beverages) Information and communication technologies and construction. During the program, there will be partially (up to 80%) supported such new businesses expenses as purchase of specific equipment and licenses, accounting or legal service payments, website development, staff training, creation of marketing materials, space rental and refurbishment costs, etc. .

For support of one business idea is the opportunity to receive up to 15 000 euro.

New businesses are invited to apply for "Atspēriens" competition untl this year, October 13th, at 12 o'clock.

Based on experience in development of strategic financial and legal documents not only in business sector, but also in public sector, INVEX FONDI offers to develop medium-term strategy for state and local government capital companies according to Public persons shares and company management laws 57th clause.

For free expert advice +371 26480252

We are buying agricultural enterprises or farms in difficulties with long-term lease or owned land.

For consultation please call +371 26557422

We are buying agricultural enterprises, farms. Preferably with production facilities and buildings. They may be bankrupt.

For contacts call +371 29114428

We will buy commercial premises in Riga with tenants. It is desirable that the premises should be in good condition and with stable cash flow from tenant payments.

Contact Us: +371 29114428

News – we are buying industrial facilities in Riga or near Riga.

We will buy industrial facilities in Riga city limits or within 10 km radius around Riga. Facilities must be suitable for the production of metal products and mechanical engineering. Minimum requirements – at least one room must be not less than 500 square meters, electricity connection, a good driveway and its own territory.

News – we are buying industrial facilities outside Riga.

We will buy industrial facilities outside Riga, but no more than 30 km from Riga. The premises must be suitable for food production. Minimum requirements – at least 500 square meters, electricity connection, water (preferably drinkable), a good driveway and its own territory.

Contact Us: +371 29114428

We will buy working or idle small or medium sized meat processing plant or slaughterhouse, or a separated slaughterhouse. It should have all necessary and relevant EU standards certification.

Legal address: Auduma street 33-2, Riga, Latvia, LV-1024
Actual address: Duntes street 34, Riga, Latvia, LV-1005

Telephone: +371 67377787

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